Flaneur's whisper
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2010-10-22 TLW Quiz:Missing Kiss (963) (3)
2010-10-21 [News]Laurel Holloman will be attending PLanet BabyLon Convention in Paris, 2010/10/30-11/01 (291) (1)
2010-10-20 JB Project:The Night Before The Night Before Christmas (10/29Update劇照與影片) (335) (1)
2010-10-20 [News]Wear Purple on October 20 for Spirit Day (今天來穿紫色吧! (160) (1)
2010-10-19 最初與最後 (440) (1)
2010-10-16 [News]Jennifer Beals's Hallmark TV Movie Trailer (DVD On Sale) & Laurel Holloman's Recent Photos (10/17Update) (237) (0)
2010-10-13 [News]WOW! Lie to Me S1/S2在公視播出(2010/10/05-11/22) (10/20Update) (455) (1)
2010-10-11 Jennifer Beals's Writing:On Vacation (Trip to Patagonien/Chile) (524) (0)
2010-10-10 Jennifer Beals's Writing: To announce for one additional photograph in The L Word BOOK. (223) (0)
2010-10-10 [News]本日快訊:'Laurel in Trailer'開賣、TRLW開拍第二季、英國版TLW在BBC3要上演了、新增Gigantic劇照 (546) (2)
2010-10-08 [KUSO]How you'll find your next job? (983) (2)
2010-10-07 JB Project:"A Night for Dying Tigers" (2010) (10/10Update) (436) (0)
2010-10-05 Jennifers Beals on the set of Ride-Along in Chicago, 2010/10/04(新增照片) (117) (0)
2010-10-05 [News]Laurel Holloman will be in Brighton for L8 (350) (1)
2010-10-02 朝聖者日記:第99日 (556) (0)
2010-10-01 L5 Convention: A Celebration for Tibette Nation. v0.1(施工中) (852) (1)
2010-09-29 [News]Jennifer Beals is no longer able to attend L8 (9/30Update) (430) (6)
2010-09-28 [純屬八卦]Single Mom事件研究簿 (10/21 Case Closed) (795) (7)
2010-09-26 A secret in the bathroom... (651) (0)
2010-09-24 Two Decades of Women by Virginia DeBolt, 2010/09/02 (部份摘譯) (210) (4)
2010-09-24 [News]Jennifer Beals and Gloria Steinem meet with Chicago journalists, 2010/09/22(11/11Update) (252) (1)
2010-09-23 She has just been terrific. (149) (1)
2010-09-22 The Closer didn't get a close. (179) (0)
2010-09-21 中秋節快樂! (296) (3)
2010-09-19 'Happy Beals Day!' and 'Sad Tibette Hour!' (9/20Update) (1758) (3)
2010-09-19 [News]Laurel Holloman's painting posters are on sale now (367) (3)
2010-09-17 [News]Jennifer Beals with Gov. Pat Quinn on the set, 2010/09/16 (9/27Update手機版影片) (286) (1)
2010-09-16 Aura, all I need (168) (0)
2010-09-15 TLW Quiz:'Can you put your hand here?' (441) (0)
2010-09-14 Push bar to open (375) (0)
2010-09-13 [KUSO]Even a gay male wants to be Jennifer Beals in Flashdance. (304) (1)
2010-09-12 Interviews With The L Word Stars @The Hump Day Crew (392) (0)
2010-09-11 Fans' Video精選8:A Moment Like This - TiBette by fashionpink89, 2008/12/17 (675) (0)
2010-09-11 [News]A Night For Dying Tigers 首映會與JB演出相關報導 (9/16Update) (310) (0)
2010-09-11 Laurel Holloman's Brush with the Abstract: Exclusive Interview (9/12Update) (383) (0)
2010-09-10 你還在看我嗎?:Jennifer Beals與閃舞,27年後 (2123) (1)
2010-09-09 Balance (750) (4)
2010-09-09 Jennifer Beals Talks 'A Night for Dying Tigers' (待摘譯中) (301) (0)
2010-09-08 Questions for Jennifer Beals (附完整中譯) (259) (0)
2010-09-07 [News] A Night for Dying Tigers 電影介紹摘譯 (154) (0)
2010-09-07 And, I Love You (427) (0)
2010-09-07 [News]The L Word群星動態 (9/10Update) (1114) (1)
2010-09-05 當我們「同」在一起 v0.3 (9/13Update) (355) (0)
2010-09-04 [News]2010-2011美國影集新劇存活大預測 (398) (0)
2010-09-03 Jennifer Beals's Writing v0.1 (337) (2)
2010-09-03 [News]2010台灣國際女性影展 (64) (0)
2010-09-02 TiBette Review v0.2 (1284) (0)
2010-09-01 AfterEllen: An interview with Laurel Holloman (附贈本日電台錄音檔) (577) (2)
2010-09-01 AfterEllen:Let's make Mary-Louise Parker a lesbian (280) (0)
2010-08-31 [News]第62屆艾美獎得獎的(拉)是... (143) (0)