2001/06 《Men before 10 AM Too!!!》序
"It is not that easy to be photographed because it is not always that easy to allow oneself to be seen."
原文請到此篇:女王的攝影師:Veronique Vial
書名 Men before 10 A.M. too!!!
作者 Veronique Vial
攝影者 Veronique Vial
版本 圖解
出版者 PowerHouse Books, 2001
Amazon的資料:Jennifer Beals (Foreword)
Men Before 10 AM Too [Hardcover]
2003/12/13-21 Jennifer Beals trip to Patagonien/Chile
原文刊載於:Jane Magazine, Mai 2004.
photos photographed by Isabel Snyder and Jennifer Beals
"As I was about to turn 40 (a momentous if not slightly terrifying occasion, according to every eye-cream ad), I wanted to enter into this new decade with unabashed joy. I used to spend summers in the Colorado Rockies at a camp, horsepacking for days in the mountains. At the end of the ride, every pore smelled like horses and pine. That´s what I wanted for my birthday. I set out with my husband, Ken, and my friends Isabel and Paul for a horsepacking trip in Patagonia, where horses outnumber cars 10 to one. My kind of place.
* * *
As we approach Dickson Valley, Isabel asks me about my mom. I start to talk about her for a while and then we are quiet. I realize how much my mother has done for me, how she gave continuously of her mind, her heart. I cry a little because I am grateful, and I realize the purifying process of being out in nature under relatively rigorous conditions has begun. Things become clearer. Playing Bette on "The L Word", I realize I now take it personally when I hear someone say faggot or dyke in that hissing kind of strike that people use when they intend a slur.
2010/01 About The L Word BOOK
"Somewhere underneath the plotlines of The L Word ran our own stories of friendship and struggle. These photographs evoke the various bonds and battles we as a cast endured."
JB為了The L Word Book寫的介紹:http://www.lwordbook.com/about/