Benjamin研究巴黎的拱廊街留下厚厚的The Arcades Project,引用一下某Blog的文章:
然而,看到新時代事物所代表的意義的卻是本雅明... ...
我想到JL,Benjamin跟Le Corbusier,好奇妙的鏡射關係o.o。
在興趣上我跟Lu的相似度比較高,當Radiohead的The Bends(1995)還在Billboard兩百名之外時,我就認識這個團,因為喜歡breeder而買了Pixies的CD,我和女王喜歡的音樂就遙不可及了(叫我聽鄉村歌曲還不如摔我的耳機,k.d. lang的除外,JB的家跟拖車怎麼都那麼老氣
喜歡攝影的人應該都對Walter Benjamin〈攝影小史〉、《機械複製時代的藝術作品》(台灣把這兩篇出成一本書:《迎向靈光消逝的年代》)等討論攝影的文章都有涉獵吧!照JB愛讀書的習慣,如果去L8我也許會問這個鳥問題:Do you like Walter Benjamin?哈哈!(其實應該是問另一個問題,然後被保全架出去
送首歌給Lu,Radiohead的All I need:
By close-ups of the things around us, by focusing on hidden details of familiar objects, by exploring commonplace milieus under the ingenious guidance of the camera, the film, on the one hand, extends our comprehension of the necessities which rule our lives; on the other hand it manages to assure us of an immense field of action. Our taverns and our metropolitan streets, our offices and our furnished rooms, our railroad stations and our factories appeared to have us locked up hopelessly. Then came the film and burst this prison-world asunder by the dynamite of the tenth of a second, so that now, in the midst of its far-flung ruins and debris, we calmly and adventurously go traveling. With the close-up, space expands; with slow motion, movement is extended. The enlargement of a snapshot does not simply render more precise what in any case was visible though unclear: it reveals entirely new structural formations of the subject. (Walter Benjamin, Illuminations 236)