
我變懶了,就讓某兩人新聞放在一起好了。JB應該是去年就演好的Hallmark聖誕節應景片放出預告片(11/20播放),Lu10/14參加LA "Samson & Delilah"電影首映會,有近近的美照喔!Lu的Twitter已經一個星期沒更新了,本來還在想她努力畫圖去了,幸好她有出門活動一下,雙子座不要把自己悶壞了

EXCLUSIVE - The Night Before, the Night Before Christmas - Hallmark Channel - On Location (2010/10/14)




JB TV Movie 2010 




LA Release Of "Samson & Delilah" At The Sheila Boutique

Laurel Holloman 20101014

In This Photo: Laurel Holloman, Shelli Anne Couch
shelli Anne couch (L) and Laurel Holloman (R) attendsLA Release Of "Samson & Delilah" at the Sheila Boutique on October 14, 2010 in West Hollywood, California. (October 13, 2010 - Photo by Valerie Macon/Getty Images North America)


Laurel Holloman 20101014 

 In This Photo: Laurel Holloman
Actress Laurel Holloman attends LA Release Of "Samson & Delilah" at the Sheila Boutique on October 14, 2010 in West Hollywood, California. (October 13, 2010 - Photo by Valerie Macon/Getty Images North America)


Laurel Holloman 20101014 

In This Photo: Laurel Holloman
Actress Laurel Holloman attends LA Release Of "Samson & Delilah" at the Sheila Boutique on October 14, 2010 in West Hollywood, California. (October 13, 2010 - Photo by Valerie Macon/Getty Images North America)


Laurel Holloman 20101014 

In This Photo: Laurel Holloman
Actress Laurel Holloman attends LA Release Of "Samson & Delilah" at the Sheila Boutique on October 14, 2010 in West Hollywood, California. (October 13, 2010 - Photo by Valerie Macon/Getty Images North America)




Samson & Delilah 2009 


全文轉載:The award winning Australian film Samson & Delilah is a visually beautiful, yet painfully straight forward portrait of young Aboriginal Australians risking their lives in an urbanized society. Following a hugely successful theatrical campaign throughout Australasia and Europe, SAMSON & DELILAH was shortlisted for the Academy Awards and featured as one of Australia’s top 3 box office hits of 2009, the highest grossing year in Australian history. Winning the Camera d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival for Best New Director and Best Film at the Australian Film Institute Awards, SAMSON & DELILAH makes its US theatrical debut this October!

On October 14 IndiePix films in association with Qantas and Shelia Boutique will be hosting an exclusive LA reception to celebrate the release of the film in the LA market.



劇情大綱:Samson and Delilah's world is small- an isolated community in the Central Australian desert. When tragedy strikes they turn their backs on home and embark on a journey of survival. Lost, unwanted and alone the discover that life isn't always fair, but love never judges.


看完預告片,還不太習慣看到女王變成賢妻良母(Angelica的媽果然叫Angela,哈!Ms Colvin今天早上不知鏡頭多不多?),倒是Lu穿低胸上衣比較有「看頭」(我邪惡了!),I miss MMB & MMT so much.,希望MOD的DIVA頻道可以在聖誕節送我JB的「聖誕節前夕的前一天」當禮物。


昨天播放的Gigantic,還找不到消息,下週還有一集。先補一條 2010/10/13的新聞:

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