原來活動發起者:Spirit day was created two weeks ago by teenager Brittany McMillan a Canadian teenager who wanted to bring awareness to the bullying suffered by LGBT teens.
Her Facebook page reads:
"It's been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in memory of the recent gay suicides. Many of them suffered from homophobic abuse in their schools or in their homes. We want to take a stand to say that we will not tolerate this. Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that's exactly what we'd like all of you to have with you: spirit. Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th to remember all the lives of LGBTQ youth that have been lost due to homophobia. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools."
以上引用自:Wednesday, October 20 is LGBT Spirit Day, Wear Purple
Ellen早在2010/09/30就針對大學生Tyler Clementi自殺事件在網路公開發言:It's Time to End Teenage Bullying
Tyler Clementi自殺事件新聞:Victim of Secret Dorm Sex Tape Posts Facebook Goodbye, Jumps to His Death
沒想到校園霸凌事件還是越演越烈,這和美國目前保守主義抬頭的氛圍不謀而合,霸凌不只是發生在性傾向的差異,種族、族群、性別、外觀都是霸凌的藉口,JB小時候就因為太淺的膚色而在黑人社區被取笑,Mia Kirshner(Jenny)在2010/10/14發表了一篇她在學校被霸凌的遭遇:Grade Three: Rise of The Order
The Huffington Post上面關於霸凌議題的討論: