Happy St. Patrick's Day Dear JL!
2011/03/17 上面視訊是FOX NY台剛出爐的訪問:Jennifer Beals - Interview: Good Day NY (March 17, 2011) By JBealsOnline,感謝Judy網友的上傳,原影片網站:http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/entertainment/jennifer-beals-20110317
2011/03/17 女王同日在廣播節目的訪問:Radio interview on Hartford's The River 105.9 (按連結直接收聽)
2011/03/16 女王3/21還有一個訪問節目:Rachael Ray Show_Backstage Pass: Jennifer Beals,應該已經錄好等下星期一播放,看一下口愛的JB:
2011/03/17 關於TCC影集的相關訊息:光頭製作人在Twitter上說3/21第七集播完後,3/28跟4/4會重播前面七集的某兩集,4/11之後開始接著播第八集,一直播到5/23(我算還有一星期的空檔)。FOX夏季檔已排定6/25起每星期六晚上九點重播TCC S1,以上報告完畢。
ShawnRyan Twitter:This Monday we have a brand new ep if #TheChicagoCode. After that, two weeks of repeats, then back with new eps. about 11 hours ago via Echofon
13 episodes need to last unitl the end of May. RT @jenniiifffeeer: why repeats? #TheChicagoCode about 10 hours ago via Echofon
2011/03/16 下面視訊是女王剛出爐的電視訪問完整版:Jennifer Beals' interview on Regis & Kelly http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d665KnRMRYg,
While preparing for her role in 'The Chicago Code,' Jennifer Beals said she went with police on ride-alongs as a way to bring authenticity to her character of Teresa Colvin. But, if she learned anything, it's that being a cop is an extremely difficult job, she said on 'Live With Regis and Kelly' (weekdays, syndicated).
"I spent time on ride-alongs with detectives, watching them how they set up crime scenes, how they interviewed people, and, you know, tried to learn as much as I could from them," said Beals. "I realized that in real life I would last, really, 30 seconds."
"I now have such a great affinity for them and I feel, like, so proud of them," she continued, adding that, when she sees cops on the street, she now thanks them personally for their service.
2011/03/14 女王接受加拿大CBC訪問的視訊(剪接版):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Wjf7nCPN0,原節目網站:http://www.cbc.ca/strombo/weekly-schedule/upcoming-guests---week-of-march-14-2011.html
2011/03/16 JBC站長提供的TCC "Wild Onions"新劇照: http://on.fb.me/e2juUs http://on.fb.me/hax67f http://on.fb.me/eDlRjf (JBC論壇裡有HQ版)
2011/03/14 FOX要在夏季檔重播Lie to Me跟TCC,這是不是說這兩部有機會被續訂?原文連結:Tea Leaf Reading: Fox's Summer Has Repeats Of 'Lie To Me' & 'The Chicago Code', But Not 'Fringe' Or 'Human Target' By Bill Gorman– March 14, 2011
2011/03/15 上文作者的更新版報導:Fox: Tea Leaves Keep 'Lie To Me' & 'The Chicago Code' Toss Ups For Renewal By Bill Gorman– March 15, 2011
2011/03/21 一篇紐約客的未來報導,沒什麼好話僅供存檔用:http://www.newyorker.com/arts/critics/television/2011/03/21/110321crte_television_franklin
2011/03/14 Lu結束L8 Convention後的首發Twitter,她應該到義大利了:@bios2050 @littlepatata thanks for the ducky loving italy ciao about 8 hours ago via web in reply to bios2050
2011/03/15 光頭製作人的搞笑Twitter,芝加哥新市長上任後,正要任命新警察局長,光頭叫他們選Teresa,其實連結的文章是很嚴肅在介紹選擇警察局長的考量,但我覺得結尾那一句,還蠻像女王在TCC的形象:"Give me the best qualified person who has the vision to protect the entire city."
光頭的原Twitter:Great article on choosing a new Police Superintendent in Chicago. http://bit.ly/fPfPZ8 #TeresaColvinIsTaken about 8 hours ago via web
2011/03/16 各位童鞋,一定要到lovejb網友的部落格朝聖:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/loveJB/22840036,我快被最後一張照片笑翻了。
2011/03/09 一篇關於TCC的Review:There's Something About FOX's 'The Chicago Code That's Relatively Engaging, March 9th, 2011