所有與L8 Convention相關訊息都會收錄於本篇,近日隨時更新中,lovejb網友的第一手報導已經先出爐一小部份,請先看這篇預告:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/loveJB/22840036,太感謝了。
2011/03/17更新:JBC網站有關於L8 Convention的討論專版:http://forum.jennifer-beals.com/index.php?showtopic=3240&st=795,從第54頁以下是影友會內容討論,大家可以去挖寶看看。
JBC網友提供的L8 Convention相片:http://s945.photobucket.com/albums/ad293/dutchgirl06/L8/
2011/03/30這應該是與會的TRLW成員Tracy Ryerson的照片集:http://www.ourfifteenminutes.com/2011/03/brighton-uk/
2011/03/12更新:3/11英國時間晚上(台灣3/12早上)是開幕跟meet&greet活動,這應該是買Golden Ticket的影迷和來賓同桌聊天的節目。
2011/03/30更新:lovejb網友The Opening Ceremony的報導,Lu的高清照片,飛撲ing:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/loveJB/22844521,現場視訊:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/loveJB/22845903,是的,裡面有女王的Code。
03/11 The Opening Ceremony
Anca網友提供的開幕畫面,來賓介紹:#L8 guests lineup: laurel, erin, lauren, janina, clementine, heather, kate, tracy & stamie #brighton http://plixi.com/p/83318268 about 7 hours ago via Plixi
感謝YDY網友VenAcá提供截圖跟開幕影片來源,大家可以直接到拉字版Lu樓看最新訊息:http://www.sfileydy.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=326860&extra=page%3D1&page=428 (#10686)
430頁有鳥大的聽寫稿,感謝ㄚ:http://www.sfileydy.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=326860&extra=page%3D1&page=430 (#10747)
我只引重點:"I wish JB were here..."
03/11 meet&greet
Anca:awesome first day at #L8! 9 amazing guests & all sat at our table :) more fun tomorrow. for a start: erin's former twitter account was fake about 7 hours ago via web
Lana:have some technical difficulties with the internet and some programs at the moment, will post photos later 15 minutes ago via web (因為網路問題Lana的報導(&照片?)要晚一點才看得到。)
AliceSonia:So guests for Starfury L9 will be Kate Moennig, Leisha Hailey, Elizabeth Keener and Alicia Willia... about 9 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
03/17更新:Anca大媽的報導文:Starfury's L8 in Brighton, UK, March 2011 - Day 1 By Anca Dumitru, Mar 16, 2011
PS:"I want You Back, too."
03/21更新:B&TF的第一天訪稿:L8 Convention in Brighton, UK – Day 1 Report
I, actually, think that it was Sean's initial intention to bring TiBette back together at L8 and he was planning to announce Laurel as convention days approached. Alas, Jennifer Beals had to cancel due to being busy doing publicity for her new show “The Chicago Code” and Sean had to announce Laurel as a replacement. Laurel and Jennifer together would rock this convention but in the end, it was still a wonderful event.
* * *
Laurel Holloman was our third guest at the table and she looked a little tired. She didn't even noticed that there were a few familiar people that she met before until she finally looked at us and said, “Holy sh**! You guys are here too.” Laurel told us that she just arrived from Paris this morning where she was looking at some places to hold an art exhibit sometime next year.
03/12 Photo Sessions
film58:@roul_ay Photo sessions have started, so my first is at 10am. 14 minutes ago via Echofon in reply to roul_ay
It's "almost" official, @nalamommy will have an art show in Paris soon. YAY !!! And congratulations Laurel !!! about 23 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
film58網友還提供了Lu未來的行程規劃:@NewSPetry Laurel is possibly doing an art show in Paris & may then concentrate on painting for a while, then go back to acting.TBC about 20 hours ago via Echofon in reply to NewSPetry 她可能會在巴黎辦畫展,之後集中精神在繪畫方面,然後再回到演戲。(這應該是Q&A裡的回答)
Alice:@Luh573 Of course ! Gifts from fans are always allowed (as long as they're not offensive to the guest, but they don't get checked anyway). about 11 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to Luh573
@Luh573 as we discussed, one of Laurel alone, and one of Tibette ;) about 11 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to Luh573
@Luh573 Yes, I said it was for a friend and big fan of hers in Brazil ;) about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to Luh573
@Luh573 And she said : WOW !! about 3 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to Luh573
film58:@Lostnureyez00 Guys @nalamommy thought ur calendar was awesome!!! @Luh573: @luartfan @angiewomen @roul_ay @Kacy_TiBetteFan about 10 hours ago via Echofon in reply to Kacy_TiBetteFan
03/12 Heather Peace at the Q&A http://plixi.com/p/83506731
03/12 Clementine Ford & Kate French at the Q&A http://plixi.com/p/83502960
03/12 Laurel Holloman & Janina Gavanka at the Q& A (本段視頻待查中)
Papi因為要趕回美國拍True Blood所以只能參加到星期六的活動
"She almost cried twice talking about JB, first time there was a tear some women talked what tlw meant for them and the chemistry between tibette, how it affected them. Anyway they were best! And Laurel called it her Jennifer moment, when she kinda cried." -- by Erika
oh and.....the boyfriend is with laurel...
Her bf... If it's that him...quite handsome,looks like a bodyguard to me
03/21更新:Anca大媽的報導文:Starfury's L8 in Brighton – Day 2: The L Word By Anca Dumitru, Mar 16, 2011
Laurel Holloman and Janina Gavankar
03/12 Erin Daniels & Lauren Lee Smith at the Q&A http://plixi.com/p/83500409
L8 Convention in Brighton, UK – Day 2, Part 1 Report
L8 Convention in Brighton, UK – Day 2, Part 2 Report
03/13 Tracy Ryerson & Stamie at the Q&A http://plixi.com/p/83722639
03/13 Lauren Lee Smith at the Q&A http://plixi.com/p/83722489
03/13 Laurel Holloman and Erin Daniels at the Q&A
Photo by B&TF
Photo by film58
Laurel Holloman and Erin Daniels
In the same laid back atmosphere, Laurel and Erin kept sharing their thoughts on The L Word, including their current and future endeavours. They were probably more jet lagged than they actually looked, but they kept up to speed to the delight of fans.
Erin's humor was present the whole time. They discussed their favorite scene which, in both cases, happened to be the one where Alice chases Dana's car, furious because of their break up.
There were also references to what had been discussed Saturday about Dana's death and Erin stressed out the "open door policy" that Ilene Chaiken had implemented, so the cast could give their input anytime they felt like.
Laurel talked a bit about her 10-day European art tour she currently has embarked on. Art is her main focus for the next 12 months. Her first collection of abstract paintings she had worked on last summer called Tribeca Series sold out fast and some of the paintings are now in countries like France or Italy.
Painting has a calming effect on Laurel when she puts her emotions on canvas. What inspires her is soul searching and heartbreak. What is more important is that a painting is there forever. Regardless of value, it makes you start thinking more on immortality.
Erin highlighted how important was that The L Word became so big and it had such a great positive impact in mainstream TV shows. She believes things are loosening up in Hollywood and cable TV shows are now pushing the envelope.
In the end, asked if they had any difficulties while working on the show in terms of rejection or negativity, Erin said there were such reactions at the LA Gay Pride which obviously came from upsetting and ignorant people who had too much time on their hands. Hopefully, one day they will understand what acceptance is.
Read more at Suite101: Starfury's L8 in Brighton – Day 3: The Real L Word, The L Word http://www.suite101.com/content/starfurys-l8-in-brighton---day-3-the-real-l-word-the-l-word-a359780#ixzz1HFW6LfkE
03/13 Girl Trash presentation http://plixi.com/p/83729599
03/13 Heather Peace at Q&A http://plixi.com/p/83738945
03/13 The Closing Ceremony
Starfury's L8 in Brighton – Day 3: The Real L Word, The L Word By Anca Dumitru, Mar 17, 2011
Starfury's L8 in Brighton - Day 3: Lip Service, Girltrash By Anca Dumitru, Mar 18, 2011
L8 Convention in Brighton, UK – Day 3, Part 1 Report
本篇有YDY網友KIDCHAN的中譯,感謝,請由此進:http://www.sfileydy.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=326860&extra=page%3D1&page=445 #11110、#11114
L8 Convention in Brighton, UK – Day 3, Part 2
本篇有YDY網友KIDCHAN的中譯,感謝,請由此進:http://www.sfileydy.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=326860&extra=page%3D1&page=446 #11138
各位童鞋,期待已久的L8 Convention終於要開始了,雖然跑了女王,沒關係我們還有小茶,那個行程表有事的某人目前神隱中,不過我想她的黑莓機最近幾天應該很忙碌ing。
言歸正傳,這一次的來賓名單呈現爆炸性成長,因為L7 Convention繞跑那兩個,這次被抓回來(L9 Convention可以比照辦理把女王抓回來嗎?可是又希望她的TCC能被續訂,好掙扎ing。) ,再加上TRLW也來了一對,還有BBC3那部拉片的主角,所以一共有九位來賓:
Anca另外列了一份粉絲Twitter清單,大家這三天可以追一下這些粉絲的活動報導:since it's #FF make sure u follow @LanaRus @film58 @nyammbura @TuCatz @AliceSonia @secretgirlin04 @jjbotts (cont) http://tl.gd/97idmr about 19 hours ago via TwitLonger Beta
PS:感謝YDY拉字版Yumeno的TCC S1E05截圖。感謝lovejb網友的第一手消息(3/16Update)。