2011/03/06 來一點振奮人心的新聞
chasesugarman @greglauren and Jennifer beals @BarneysNY. Amazing collection. #inspired. http://t.co/ZK6a9uI about 10 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
SecondCityStyle Jennifer Beals is at the @GDLauren launch in Chicago too! about 11 hours ago via Twitter for iPhone
Greg Lauren就是上圖跟女王講話的男人,也就是柏妹(Elizabeth Berkley)的老公,第二條Twitter上面寫說GDLauren在芝加哥的店開幕,女王過去(幫好朋友的老公)加油,不過柏妹昨天的Twitter:http://www.whosay.com/elizabethberkley/photos/15034
Proud of my hubby @gdlauren at Barneys launch LA!
2011/03/05 女王TCC S1E07新劇照,這邊是HQ版:Promo photos of Jennifer Beals in episode 7 of #TheChicagoCode: http://tiny.cc/0pwht http://tiny.cc/kq6n2 http://tiny.cc/edgx0 by JenniferBealsFn
2011/03/05 Lu的歐洲藝術之旅,大概是參加完L8到要去Dinah Shore活動之間,Lu今天的Twitter:ok back to europe in a few days london brighton milan paris amsterdam berlin madrid back to london. art art more art fooooooood yeah. (看起來MMT很興奮的樣子
2011/03/05 L8 Convention即將在下週五開始,台灣特派員已經飛過去了,等lovejb網友回來大家可以在她的部落格:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/loveJB看到第一手資訊,這邊是官網:http://www.seanharry.com/L8/index.htm,過兩天我會開專文報導,Anca網友她們應該會在網路直播,大家可以留意她們的Twitter
。主辦單位L9 Convention的票已經開賣,時間是2011/11/11-13,官網:http://www.seanharry.com/l9/index.htm,Guest Stars名單如果出爐,隨時更新。
2011/03/05 關於TCC S2的命運,根據光頭製作人在Twitter上的回覆,應該要五月才能知曉:ShawnRyanTV In May. Doing OK now but increasing ratings would help. RT @jenniiifffeeer: when do you find out if it's been picked up for another season?
2011/03/04 女王的加拿大Hello!Canada雜誌專訪內頁(感謝JBC網站提供
2011/03/03 女王另一篇關於芝加哥的訪問:Sweet Home Chicago – Jennifer Beals By Gerri Miller, March 1, 2011
2011/03/03 JB要上3/16 ABC的Live with Regis and Kelly節目,這邊可以看節目播放:http://www.dadt.com/live/
2011/03/03 Lu的新畫作:
搭她2/26的Twitter內容還蠻適合的:anyone looking at the sky in LA right now it is amazing. especially after all that hail. love it 5:51 PM Feb 26th via web
2011/03/01 插播一下Showtime春季檔跟夏季檔節目的新聞:Showtime Announces Spring/Summer Premieres By Shilo Adams, Filed March 1st, 2011
唯一跟我們有關係是IC的TRLW S2要在6/5播放(這女人什麼時候才有空拍TLW Movie?):
2011/02/28 這應該也是在加拿大記者會的訪問稿之一:Q & A: Jennifer Beals on her new show, 'The Chicago Code' by Lance Carter, February 28, 2011