

JB 20110328

(眼鏡控照過來,這副眼鏡是不是TLW S4 Bette邊看書邊罵Jenny那一副?)

2011/03/30 上面的照片是女王星期一(3/28)出席芝加哥LGBT社團(?)辦的活動:USA Network event on prejudice and power at CHM March 28,那個幸運入照者是誰?這不是重點,重點是女王又出席了同志社群的活動,FOX的公關會氣死吧?哈哈哈。相關新聞:,內文如下:

USA Network and the storytelling organization The Moth will present "A More Perfect Union: Stories of Prejudice and Power" Monday, March 28, at the Chicago History Museum, 1601 N. Clark, at 6:30 p.m.

Five storytellers—author/screenwriter Cindy Chupack; out actress/comedian Judy Gold; Equality Project founder Joey Kemmerling; Urban Prep Academies CEO/President Tim King; and novelist Walter Mosley—to share their personal experiences with discrimination and bigotry. Actor Peter Gallagher will host the event.

那個幸運入照者是在2月訪問過女王的Jerry Nunn,原本登在Windy City Times的訪問稿現在放在他的網頁:

2011/03/24 女王去當星期三晚上播出的美國偶像American Idol觀眾,果然一堆歐里桑忙著跟她合照,有精靈公主的爸(BTW,女王好像是大嘴泰勒樂團的粉絲)跟地獄廚房的大廚,其他照片請看這邊: ,BTW,沒看到評審之一的珍妮佛羅培茲跟女王合照,是山寨版閃舞MTV的緣故嗎?

JB 20110323

來看看這對美麗的姐妹花,誤,左邊的Liv Tyler是1977年生的,比女王小14歲,我家女王居然看起來跟精靈公主差不多大

JB 20110323




American Idol開場時介紹女王的畫面




蘇格蘭人看起來很喜歡女王(不是白金漢宮那個),這應該是蘇格蘭太陽報的翻拍,官網新聞:It's Flash Gordon By PAUL THORNTON Published: 25 Mar 2011,裡面還放了JB在Flashdance的劇照,更扯的是網址是寫Gordon-Ramsay-as-he-gets-cosy-with-Flashdance-sex-bomb-Jennifer-Beals,sex-bomb Queen!

2011/03/24 Lu回來LA了,她最近的兩個Twitter:back in studio. no jet lag. wow that was amazing. raining like crazy in la sooo peaceful. just sitting with my mom shes loving it here about 2 hours ago via web

ok so this was the trip london paris brighton bologna rimini milan madrid paris again london again los angeles. best reina sofia madrid about 2 hours ago via web

以下純屬YY,American Idol是在LA拍攝的,通常是先錄好再放,反正Lu回來美國時,女王可能剛好也在LA,嗯,報告完畢。

2011/03/24 有FB帳號的女王粉絲,來這邊幫Badass BetTeresa投票,你想選誰當你的搭擋

2011/03/21 下面視訊是Associated Press Online Video Network的訪問節目:Jennifer Beals Channels Beyonce on TV Show Set,官網:



2011/03/23 Lu的十天歐遊應該接近尾聲,這兩天就會回LA了,3/25陪Nala過生日,三月底有The Dinah Shore的簽名會。

這是網友發起的請願書活動,希望FOX可以續訂TCC S2,大家有空可以去支持一下女王拍的影集Keep Chicago Strong!! Save "The Chicago Code"

2011/03/21 JBC網友提供的完整版Interview: The Rachael Ray Show (March 21, 2011)


2011/03/20 女王在ChicagoTribune的訪問文章:The badge becomes her honor 'Code' By Steve Johnson, 7:43 p.m. CDT, March 20, 2011


Home in Chicago, Jennifer Beals doing what she can to hold on to transformative role as top cop

The place Jennifer Beals picks to meet is, like her countenance much of the time, serene, especially if you are able to focus on the scenery and set aside the scores of small children fluttering about on this weekday morning.

As we talk, about a role not taken by the Chicago actor who is best-known of late for her TV work, in "The L Word" and the current season's "The Chicago Code," we sit in two cushy chairs that face Lincoln Park, a small table in between. It's a spot that might be called the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum Interview Nook.

An adorable redheaded boy, maybe 4 at most, approaches, pressing his face to a glass wall directly behind us, as if Two People Talking is another exhibit to be studied. Suddenly, Beals' air, thoughtful, engaging, a little self-deprecating but also quite a bit cautious, melts away, and she is only a mother.

"Look at — how cute are you? How cute are you? You have red hair. Look at that. Hi! So unafraid, huh? Really sweet."

Still, even as two adults stare and smile and make goo-goo faces at him, the boy maintains his frank, open gaze. "I know," Beals tells him. "You know, if you could keep that state, it would be pretty sweet. And painful all at the same time."

After our talk, she was preparing to head to New York and then Los Angeles to do publicity for "Chicago Code," whatever she can to nudge it off the bubble and into the category of "renewed." The DVR numbers have been strong, she says, but the ratings only middle of the pack and pretty much static since the Fox series debuted Feb. 7. Beals is facing the possibility that the show — which has changed her in several ways, and brought her back home — may come to an end.

"Literally, the other day, I pulled up to this cop car, and I rolled down my window, and the officer rolled down his window. And I said, 'I just want you to know, I love you. I love you.' And he looked at me a little baffled, then he laughed. I think he figured it out, or else he was just chuckling because it was such a bizarre moment."

What he might have figured out is who Beals is: the person currently starring in "Code" as Chicago Police Superintendent Teresa Colvin, a fictionalized version of his boss. The role — of a tough woman who tamps down her personal life to put everything into the job — has made Beals more politically engaged, she says, more willing, for instance, to pick up the phone to call an alderman about trying to get so-called "crumb rubber" children's play surface banned.

It has also forged feelings that spill over, she says, into the real world. "I have a profound love for the CPD now," she says. "I just do. I do. I feel like they're my team."

She delivered the message to the stunned officer in part to counteract, she says, the treatment she witnessed Chicago cops receiving in the Austin neighborhood on the West Side as she prepared for the series.

"Usually these guys are being spit on during the day, at least in Austin," says Beals, who grew up on the South Side and the Gold Coast and was schooled, for 14 formative years, at the private Francis W. Parker School in Lincoln Park. "I went on a ride-along for the day, and there was no respect. It was horrifying. You realize there are a minority of officers who are not behaving in a way that is deserving of respect, but there's the majority who are, and they're having to take the brunt of other people's behavior. It's a brutal job."

It's not that she stays in character so much, she explains, as the characters tend to stay in her a little. Other times, though, you just have to let it go.

Beals has hung around as an actor — albeit employed in different ways than might have been expected, given the way she sped out of the gate. "Flashdance" — chair, water, off-the-shoulder top — made her a love object of the 1980s, her name invoked by young men of the era in the same way, for instance, that Megan Fox's is today.

But Beals continued at Yale University. Before graduating, in 1987, she married film director Alexandre Rockwell and has since remarried, to Ken Dixon, a Canadian enterpreneur and film technician, the father of her 5-year-old daughter.

Her career steered, for a time, toward independent movies. Lately, as has been the case for so many woman actors in their 40s (she turned 47 in December), the best roles have been on television: Bette Porter, the elegant lesbian art gallery owner in "The L Word," and now the first-year top cop in Chicago battling to bring down the corrupt alderman who sponsored her for the job.

At a state event on the "Chicago Code" set in September, in Cicero, Beals delivered a nicely crafted speech on what it meant to film in Chicago. Gov. Pat Quinn also spoke, and while he, too, hit all the economic touchstones, he mostly seemed to want to talk about "Flashdance," even tying in Beals' on-screen job as a welder (by day, a dancer by night) with a point about the importance of union jobs.

Beals was not put off by the politician's seeming fixation, she says. "Everybody has their reference point, and it's reflective of what their experience is. I went into a meeting in Los Angeles. The producer was talking to me about doing a film this summer. I'm obviously not sure if I'm available or not, but his point of reference for me was 'Roger Dodger.' And a lot of people come up to me about 'The L Word.' Some people come up to me about 'Book of Eli.' There's a whole other group of people that's 'Devil in a Blue Dress.'"

So looking back over all of that, have things gone according to plan? How does the career look to you?

"I think it's mostly happy accidents," she says, laughing. "It's really nice that you would even intimate that there could be any kind of planning going on."

She thinks again. "It looks like a marathon," she says. "And I'm proud that I'm not a DNF (did not finish). I'm not a DNF yet. I just kept going. I think that's been the key is just to keep going and really try to get better and try to be as truthful as I can and hope that good things come my way."

She knows that a small-budget, Canadian dark comic film she was in, "A Night for Dying Tigers," will be out this summer. But beyond that, she doesn't know much. If "Code" is renewed and she is able to stay in Chicago (her family is renting a home for now), "I'd like to look on the South Side a little bit. People are talking about Kenwood. I'm not sure. And that's kind of like the life of an actor. You just don't know where you're going to end up.

"It's kind of like being in the circus. Or, at least in the circus you have a planned tour, I would guess. With television and films, you know, any moment you can be packing up and going somewhere else. Eventually we're going to have to pick a place so my daughter can have at least some stability. I would love it to be Chicago. I would love it for her to be able to grow up here."


2011/03/17 Lu的新訪問文章,在法國雜誌上:Laurel Holloman («The L Word»): «Mes fans lesbiennes sont les meilleures» By Par Isabelle Romero jeudi 17 mars 2011, à 13h17

感謝YDY網友taine792提供,她還有翻了大要,請大家自行前往: #11097

2011/03/17 女王的廣播節目訪問:Here is the Radio Interview Jennifer did with:'The Frank DeCaro Show' (Sirius XM, OutQ) Thursday, March 17, 2011!!感謝Judy網友的提供

2011/03/16 英國Bradford International Film Festival(2011/3/16-27)要放映"A Night for Dying Tigers",相關網頁:,感謝JBC網站提供。


2011/03/19 BIFF上一篇關於A Night for Dying Tigers的評論:BIFF Day 3: A Night For Dying Tigers - A Review By David Bailey on Mar 19, 11 11:46 AM in Movie Reviews

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