Superintendent Colvin and Agent Colvin這種劇情應該只會發生在拉拉星球的TiBette Nation電視台上,可憐的TCC版萬年助理James,誤,Antonio(傳說中的第三號小弟)為女王挨子彈
JBC網友提供的消息,《夜訪吸血鬼》的作者,也就是吸血鬼小說教母的Anne Rice在臉書稱讚JB,她們一起合作過Showtime還是CBS的迷你影集:Feast of All Saints。
From Anne Rice's facebook page:
"Did any of you catch Chicago Code Monday night? I just watched it. Really enjoyed it. Jennifer Beals is very interesting as well as beautiful in it. (When she was in the mini-series of Feast of All Saints, I met her and loved her portrayal of my character, Dolly Rose.) I'm thrilled she has this new show. It's off to a great start."
MarleeMatlin @shawnryantv Watching the Chicago Code with my pal Jennifer Beals. LOVED that it's actually filmed in my home town of Chicago!
MM/Jodi果然是女王應援團理事,而且可以光明正大說my pal Jennifer Beals,那個理事長只能讓助手放上兩張當日照片,然後在Twitter上說:Howdy. Food. 6:10 PM Feb 7th via TweetCaster ,不能說出口的加油。好像第一季在Bette要直奔聖塔芭芭拉找Peabody夫人時,在車子旁幫阿娜達做出加油手勢的Tina,好隱忍,讓人看了好心酸的一幕