
B&TF的Lu訪談Part2 & 3雙箭齊飛,看起來已經炸飛一片(這消毒水也太濃了),全篇我早上匆匆看過一遍,心情Down了一上午,本來看到女王的遊行還蠻High的, 這張劇照跟我早上心情差不多


Lu:"I don't see the chemistry, I was just doing my job."
JB:"What's?", Leisha OS: I've better to run away now.

下面是讓我心情不好的Part 2關鍵問題與回答:

B&TF: Me too. The fans keep looking for the same chemistry they saw with Bette and Tina. What do you think makes Bette and Tina's chemistry so unique?


LH: I don't know that people do that. I can't say anything because I'm part of it, so I don't know how to comment on it. I don't see the chemistry, I was just doing my job. I'm flattered but I don't know.


B&TF: Well I think people were drawn to this couple because both Bette and Tina had flaws, but the chemistry between you and Jennifer was what made this couple so unique and fans stayed devoted to them until the end, even after Ilene put them through hell.(B&TF太強大了,居然可以直接從TiBette's chemistry滑行到JL's chemistry。)


LH: Yeah (laughing).(為什麼講JL's chemistry就可以?Lu沒發現這是陷阱題?)


B&TF: So what do you think is the phenomenon of TiBette?

LH: I think it's because they represent what people want. People want everlasting love. People want partnership. People don't want to be alone. Bottom line – we die alone but no one wants to die alone. You want to have love in your life and you want to have deep, deep, deep intimacy. You want to have a deep relationship. People don't want to go through life alone. Bette and Tina represent that. They also represent evolvement, change, and forgiveness. If you have a long-term relationship you have to have all these things. You have to forgive, you have to forget, you can't hold grudges. You have to grow up a little bit, you have to change.

B&TF: You have to work on your relationship.

LH: Yes, you have to work on your relationship. It doesn't matter if you're gay, straight, or bi. It won't work unless you work on it. You have to want to do the work and I think they both wanted it. Jennifer said something that I agree with. "Those two women had to earn it." They really had to earn it.


Lu得健忘症了,我的標題是借用記者大媽Lydia Martin 2008/02/01(第五季首播日)的文章:What is it about that TiBette chemistry?,文內討論的正是"Bette and Tina's chemistry":

But plenty of couples tangle on The L Word and none brings the emotion or the heat that Bette and Tina do together. What's up with that chemistry?

"I don't know how we have it, or why we have it. I just know we have it," Laurel Holloman told me in an interview a few weeks ago. "We're very different in a lot of ways. Maybe that has something to do with it. As actresses, we want the same results. We love and care about our characters. Maybe our differences makes the chemistry crackle. And our desire to find the core truth of these characters also helps.''


上面引文是她兩年前的回答,可憐的Lu大概又要被追殺,而且她還動搖了TiBette Nation的根基,有這麼嚴重嗎?看完Part3,我還蠻釋懷的,其實Part3講的跟"TiBette chemistry"一點關係都沒有,只是Lu很強調她是南方(原野)長大的小孩,我笑了,那個演了六季身世不明的Tina/Lu突然開始明確指示出自己的家鄉、原生家庭和父母,好糾結的「北與南」!(看看誰最近也在講自己長大的家鄉?)我看到一種奇特的對話或者說是「潛語」,就像JB最近幾次出現在鏡頭前都穿著TLW的戲服(Gloria Steinem來訪那次跟MyFOX的訪問),這兩個人都在用某種某星球上的族群聽得懂的訊號,傳遞某些不想被地球人發現的事,好了我YY完畢。再補一刀,Lu昨天又分享了她看電影(The kids are all right)的心得在Twitter上,跟女王的遊行「共震」嗎?(反正某夫妻一定要夫唱婦隨就對了。)


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