
Introduction xv

Narrative's pervasiveness makes it difficult to locate. One discourse among many, narrative appears to organize our understandings of discourse and its divisions.


Its myriad loci suggest that narrative both operates like ideology and is shaped by ideology.

(用Terry Eagleton的觀點解釋中產階級bourgeoisie如何把自己的意識型態文化變成自然 "naturalize social reality"

"make it seem as innocent and unchangeable as Nature itself,")


The connection between human heterosexual reproduction and capitalist production provides an irresistible merger of family and state, life and livelihood, heterosexual order and profit whose formative presence and naturalized reiterations govern the conceptions, forms, logic, and operation of narrative.

Narrative's apparent rendition of life experience, then, is already an ideological version of (re)production produced by figurative cooperation of a naturalized capitalism and heterosexuality.



 The L Word Book


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