The Chicago Code將在美國時間2/7 9:00pm ET(台灣時間2/8 9am)在FOX頻道播放(10pm會在FX有線台重播),所有第一季每集播放時間、劇情介紹與評論都將收錄於本篇,當然還有可愛的小點點(如果我有找到的話),iTunes要付費收看(有蘋果家產品iPhone、iPod、iPad和Mac可以試試,一般電腦也可以裝iTunes。),大家記得幫影集加星星(評價):
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot – Series Premiere. .繁中字幕
Original Air Date—7 February 2011(Mon 9:00pm ET FOX)
Teresa Colvin, the city's first female superintendent, lobbies for a city corruption task force to investigate Alderman Ronin Gibbons, a building-magnate-turned-politician. Meanwhile, Colvin's ex-partner and larger-than-life veteran of the Chicago Police Department, Jarek Wysocki, investigates a suspicious murder in Grant Park alongside his new partner Caleb Evers. Also in Jarek's charge are his niece, Vonda Wysocki; her hotshot partner, Isaac Joiner; and Liam Hennessey, an Irish thug who blends in with the gritty world of local crime. Together, these cops stop at nothing to navigate the Windy City's underbelly to fight crime and bring down Alderman Gibbons' empire of corruption.
2011/02/10 The Chicago Code: Pilot Review By Anca Dumitru, Feb 10, 2011
2011/02/02 THE CHICAGO CODE 1.01 "Pilot" Advance Review By Heather Donmoyer February 2, 2011 - 10:41 AM EST (這位作者給了A+)
2011/01/31 'The Chicago Code' 1.01 'Pilot' Advance Review by Brittany Frederick, January 31st, 2011 2:30pm EST
The Chicago Code led out of that with an audience of 9.4 mil and a 2.45 rating, delivering increases of 33 percent and 13 percent, respectively, on Lie To Me‘s week-ago season finale.
While the premiere of The Chicago Code retained a fair bit of House's total viewers (9.4 million), it dropped to a 2.4 adults 18-49 rating. That has to be disappointing for Fox considering the Super Bowl the night before set an all-time viewing record. The half hour detail for The Chicago Code was a 2.6 adults 18-49 rating the first half hour and a 2.3 the second.
快破千萬的收視人口應該不錯,只是18-49(Demo)Rating是2.45,可見收視主力是女性觀眾跟其他年齡層,這好像跟預設的觀眾層不一樣,但它的收視人口算很優了,還把同時段Lie To Me下滑的收視率往上拉,恭喜女王。(這純屬我個人的業餘分析,要再等一些專業報導出來看看。)原來TCC同時段對手都很強,話題王查理辛的CBS《男人兩個半》是同時段第一名,ABC《單身漢》是9.74mil,略勝TCC而已,最慘的是NBC的The Cape只有4.56mil,看起來Showtime前總裁在NBC還沒開始上班。希望TCC第二集可以把ABC的《單身漢》拉下來。
Season 1, Episode 2: "Hog Butcher" . 繁中字幕
Original Air Date—14 February 2011
Following the shocking events related to a fallen officer, Teresa and Jarek vow to bring whoever is responsible to justice. In the meantime, Alderman Gibbons pays a visit to the victim’s family to offer his condolences and plant a few seeds of betrayal, implicating members of the Chicago Police Department. As every officer in the city hits the streets to avenge this cop killer, Jarek and Caleb follow up on some of Liam’s leads, while Vonda and Isaac are promoted to the organized-crime task force.
2011/02/18 The Chicago Code, Episode 1.02, 'Hog Butcher' Review By Anca Dumitru, Feb 18, 2011
2011/02/15 THE CHICAGO CODE “Hog Butcher” Review By Ciara Moyna
2011/02/14 The Chicago Code Review: "Hog Butcher" by Matt Richenthal, February 14th, 2011 10:00 PM
The Chicago Code
- 7.351 million viewers
- 4.4/7 HH
- 2.0/6 A18-49
Season 1, Episode 3: "Gillis, Chase & Babyface" . 繁中字幕
Original Air Date—21 February 2011
Jarek and Caleb arrive first on the scene at a bank robbery and chase the thief through the streets of Chicago only to find he has met a gruesome end. As the Chicago Police Department pieces together the clues of the robber, Superintendent Colvin conducts a critical meeting with Alderman Gibbons about a key construction site. Duplicitous politicking raises the stakes and further exposes the depth of corruption in the city.
2011/02/24 The Chicago Code, Ep. 1.03, 'Gillis, Chase and Babyface' Review By Anca Dumitru, Feb 24, 2011
2011/02/21 THE CHICAGO CODE “Gillis, Chase and Baby Face” Advance Review By danimari
"House rose a tenth to a 3.5 adults 18-49 rating and The Chicago Code also rose a tenth to a 2.1 adults 18-49 rating."
The Chicago Code | 2.1/6 | 7.98 |
Season 1, Episode 4: "Cabrini Green" . 繁中字幕
Original Air Date—28 February 2011
After a bomber blows up a city building, additional targets and innocent people remain in danger. Teresa handles the escalating crisis, as Jarek and Caleb race against time to track down the suspect who might have ties to the Chicago Liberation Army. Meanwhile, Alderman Gibbons takes matters into his own hands when an armed teenage robber threatens him, which triggers a reflection on his own youth and upbringing when he was more of an idealist.
2011/03/02 The Chicago Code, Episode 1.04, 'Cabrini-Green' Review By Anca Dumitru, Mar 2, 2011
2011/03/01 'The Chicago Code' Shows Dramatic Improvement By Patrick J. Kiger, March 1, 2011 (一到四集的總評)
2011/03/01 The Chicago Code Review: "Cabrini-Green" by Matt Richenthal, March 1st, 2011 7:25 AM
"On Fox, House's 3.8 adults 18-49 rating was up 9% vs. last week, while The Chicago Code's 2.1 rating was even with last week."
9:00pm FOX The Chicago Code 2.3 6 8.375
9:30pm FOX The Chicago Code 2.0 5 7.756
Season 1, Episode 5: O'Leary's Cow . 繁中字幕
Original Air Date—2011/03/07
"Fox won the night with adults 18-49 and total viewers led by House with a 3.8 adults 18-49 rating and a The Chicago Code that was steady with another 2.1 adults 18-49 rating."
FOX | The Chicago Code | 2.1/6 | 7.51 |
" Fox's The Chicago Code totaled 7.5 million"
Season 1, Episode 6: The Gold Coin Kid . 繁中字幕
Original Air Date—2011/03/14
Jarek and Caleb try to track down a drug supplier whose merchandise put a wealthy family's son in a coma, and the investigation leads to the discovery of a complex murder. Elsewhere, Teresa wants to purchase new radios for the department.
季中影集回顧:Chicago Code - Mid-Season Review By MacEwen Patterson, Mar 15, 2011
Anca大媽的劇評:The Chicago Code, Episode 1.06, 'The Gold Coin Kid' Review By Anca Dumitru, Mar 18, 2011
On Fox, House's 3.5 adults 18-49 rating fell 8% vs. last week (Daylight Saving Time? You be the judge). The Chicago Code slipped a tenth of a point (5%) vs. last week to a season/series low 1.9 rating.
FOX | The Chicago Code | 2.0 | 5 | 7.388 |
Season 1, Episode 7: Black Hand and the Shotgun Man .
Original Air Date—2011/03/21
Jarek investigates a powerful drug dealer, but the FBI gets involved and causes problems. Elsewhere, Liam puts his cover at risk when he sympathizes with grieving families in front of Gibbons; and Jarek spends time with his ex-wife while his fiancée proceeds with wedding plans.
Season 1, Episode 8:
Original Air Date—2011/04/18
Season 1, Episode 9:
Original Air Date—2011/04/25
Season 1, Episode 10:
Original Air Date—2011/05/02
Season 1, Episode 11:
Original Air Date—2011/05/09
Season 1, Episode 12:
Original Air Date—2011/05/16
Season 1, Episode 13:
Original Air Date—2011/05/23
2/2發行的iPad電子報The Daily上的TCC廣告,FOX本錢真厚