Tibette.com網站論壇有善心網友把2006.1.31的The Advocate 裡JB與The L Word的專訪掃瞄放上去,除了美圖大閃光以外,我看到一段記者的話:
You read a quote in that speech: "It has been said that history is written by the victors." Then you added. "I take this to mean that we can make ourselves victorious by writing and rewriting our own stories."
記者說JB在演講中引用了一句話:「歷史是勝利者所寫」,這句話來自Walter Benjamin(本雅明),我家JB果然是個書蟲,然後她翻轉了這句話:「我們的勝利來自我們書寫或再書寫我們自己的故事。」
WOW! 原來美麗與智慧是可以並存的~~(還有跑馬拉松跟鐵人三項的體能O.O)
PS:這篇專訪還有另一個閃光,記者問JB如何跟長大後的女兒說她拍的這部影集,JB kuso了一下:Well, Laurel and I were joking--our daughters are gonna grow up and one of 'em's gonna say, "Hey, I saw my mommy kissing your mommy! What's up with that?"