
每次看到JB一再表達自己不是xxx的時候,會有點小小的刺痛感,就像tibette.com論壇的版主說的,我們要尊重每一個人的性向選擇,但是她還是會小小的做一下夢,有天JB會扔下老公跟Lu私奔(我可以想像全世界tibette迷大暴走的景象),所以決定自虐地收集JB在受訪時講的消毒文,本文隨時更新中Q_Q... ...


Interview with Jennifer Beals by Lesley Goldberg

June 3, 2010

AE: What was it like reading scripts and projects again after so many years of being in the relative comfort of such a female-centered, female-driven show?
JB: To be honest, it was really nice to be on a set where I could get a whiff of men! [Laughs.] But it was also very confusing because I had spent six years playing Bette and flirting with women and being with women as this character. So when I got to Lie to Me,  being on a set and being in a power suit, my brain thinks I'm playing a lesbian character.
So I'm on the set flirting with Kelli Williams' character in a scene and Tim Roth is like, "Wait, wait! You're not supposed to be flirting with her, you're supposed to be flirting with me! This is the set-up!" And it was almost automatic that my character was flirting with this woman. It was like automatic pilot.

(上面這段真的很搞笑,難怪記者打蛇隨竿上想套出JB演The L Word有沒有和合作演員xxoo...)

AE: Do you miss flirting with your co-stars?
JB: I never flirted with my co-stars but within the scene, it was always interesting. I'm not really good at flirting with women on a day-to-day basis. It gets a little confusing, and I don't want to confuse anybody. I think sometimes people think I may be flirting with them when I ask them where they got their jeans or something. I don't know if they think it's a come-on line, but it can be confusing. So I just try to steer clear. I don't want to confuse anybody. [Laughs.]

Keyword: flirting 調情

記者是問JB是否想念與合作演員調情的時候,JB馬上說她從不和合作的演員調情,除非是在劇情需要、拍戲的時候,「它總是很有趣」,她猜有些時候人們會誤以為她的詢問是調情(謎之音:有人曾經表錯情嗎?),她不想困惑其他人。(淚奔... ...)



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