等The L Word電影出來,Lola搞不好都唸完小學了,現在都已經是亭亭玉立小美女一枚了... ...(果然在娘胎時有被MMB顧到
,連結:Eisenberg to Beals: 'Offer stands' By Mark Caro, Tribune reporter,August 12, 2011
In Jesse Eisenberg's big-screen debut, "Roger Dodger" (2002), he played a college-bound teen out for a skirt-chasing night in Manhattan with a cynical ad writer (Campbell Scott). They pick up a pair of attractive women played by Jennifer Beals and Elizabeth Berkley.
"I remember Jennifer and I were like, 'He's going to be a big star,'" Berkley recalled earlier this year.
Eisenberg said he sees Berkley occasionally in New York — his girlfriend and she have worked together on programs for schoolgirls — but not Beals, with whom he shared a tender moment on screen.
"Never heard from her again," the 27-year-old actor said. "I don't have to see her again to tell her: Offer stands." He laughed. "The 10-year-old offer."
She was his first kiss, right?
"Yeah, yeah," he said.
In real life or just in movies?
"Real life," he said softly. "Yeah."
Reached at her Chicago home and told of Eisenberg's offer reminder, Beals laughed. "He's so funny," she said.
So what was his offer?
"I'm not going to tell you what his offer was. He's very cute. He's very, very cute. And he's so smart. And he's such a terrific actor. It was really fun to work with him. Everything is so easy for him. He makes it look like he's not doing anything. It's just effortless, like he's not working. You never see him working. I mean ever. And he was very young then too. That was a long time ago. And he and Campbell were very, very good together."
He said that was his first kiss ever, not just on screen but in real life.
"Oh, he didn't tell me that," she said. "That's interesting. Well, he — he did a good job."
Hence the offer.
"I'm not going there," Beals said. "I'm not going there with you."
到底《社群網戰》男主角跟女王提議了什麼?謎之女王繼續打太極去,事實上,I don't care,我只看文章裡的這一句:"Reached at her Chicago home
",這篇文章不知何時訪問的?如果是最近,那女王開完TLW的DVD Box Set聚會後,又回芝加哥了?
其實MM的出席名單裡少了一個大家都很熟的人,Kit去那裡了?Pam沒出席還是MM沒寫到?這沒人知道,倒是有個八卦,也許Bette的姐姐可能不會是Pam演的Kit,大家都知道TLW原來的Pilot跟後來播出的第一集是兩回事,原始構想中,是有一個把著名的關係圖畫在身上的The Captain,IC本來要找拉拉演員代表元老級大老的Lily Tomlin來演,被她婉拒了,詳情請看這篇報導:
Lily Tomlin on turning down "The L Word" and why she won't get married Posted by Trish Bendix, Managing Editor on August 8, 2011
Lily Tomlin後來很懊惱自己沒拍TLW,不過女王倒因此撿到一個姐姐,這也算是幸運的插曲吧!我一直在想IC第一個演Bette的考慮人選是誰?因為她在特輯裡好像有提到女王是她們詢問的第二個大咖演員,那IC心目中的首要人選,是那時演了幾部有拉拉情節賣座電影的Mary-Louise Parker(1964-),還是"High Art"(1998)裡的Ally Sheedy(1962-)?她們跟女王年齡差不多,都是深髮褐眼美女,而且這兩個都拍過拉片,女王反而是八竿子打不著,完全沒關係
,不過Mary-Louise Parker那時在拍一部影集:The West Wing (TV series, 2001-2006),當時應該沒空, 不過後來她還是拍了Showtime的戲:Weeds(2005-),現在還在演。至於Ally Sheedy,看起來應該很有機會演Bette,但是,還好,女王點頭了,從此世界上就多了一個空前絕後的Badass Bette
和TiBette Nation的誕生。