根據Marlee Matlin(MM,就是TLW裡的Jodi啦)的Twitter,昨天還是前天,TLW的所有成員聚在一起討論The L Word要在11月發行DVD Box Set的事,以下是JBC和其他網友引用的MM's tweets:
MarleeMatlin Marlee Matlin by JenBeals_com
The #LWord box set will be coming out in November and will feature all of the seasons in one big box with LOTS of EXTRAS.
2 Aug
11月會發行TLW 全系列影集DVD,各位粉絲們準備開始存錢吧!會加進去很多沒看過的鏡頭(我只要TiBette的噴鼻血畫面啦
MarleeMatlin Marlee Matlin by JenBeals_com
A GREAT #LWord gathering today! Kate, Leisha, Jennifer, Laurel, Eric Mabius Ilene C. & me together to be featured on upcoming DVD box set!
2 Aug
MarleeMatlin Marlee Matlin by anca1268
And I forgot, Erin Daniels (Dana) was also there at the #Lword reunion today! Everyone looked so good!
2 Aug
MM補了一下Dana,這也不怪她,她第四季才加入,poor Dana已經領便當回家了!
MarleeMatlin Marlee Matlin by JenniferBealsFn
. @walmoreira they did discuss L Word movie but didn't sound like were remotely close. They talked about a prequel or L Word in heaven. LOL.
12 hours ago
Anca大媽(她是羅馬尼亞人,我好像把她錯認成德國人)比我還激動,馬上寫了一篇文章:'The L Word' Cast and Creator Reunite by Anca Dumitru, August 02, 2011 12:55 PM EDT
Yes, it is happening again, although a certain, long-awaited L Word movie isn't the reason that brings them together.
Showtime's groundbreaking lesbian drama The L Word, which chronicled the lives of a group of Los Angeles gay women, may have wrapped its sixth and last season a little over two years ago, but more new fans are coming on board as they merely learn about the show as we speak.The L Word fan base keeps growing without a doubt, even though the actors have moved on to various new projects. And the show's fan site, L-word.com, does a great job in keeping the fans constantly updated with the latest news.
So, why are the actors getting back together? Just the other day, Marlee Matlin tweeted: "A great L Word gathering today! Kate, Leisha, Jennifer, Laurel, Eric Mabius, Ilene C. & me together to be featured on upcoming DVD box set!" And then, she added: "And I forgot, Erin Daniels (Dana) was also there at the L Word reunion today! Everyone looked so good!"
Basically, some of the main cast including Jennifer Beals, Laurel Holloman, Kate Moennig, Leisha Hailey, Erin Daniels, Eric Mabius and Marlee Matlin along with the creator and executive producer of the show Ilene Chaiken will be part of lots of extras on the new The L Word box set, to be released in November. Coincidently, the UK promoter Starfury is organizing the ninth L Word event around the same time.
Will the extras include bloopers and deleted scenes from the show or more behind the scenes footage? Will the show stars just contemplate the past or will they give a glimpse into the future of a potential L Word movie? That remains to be seen.
Chaiken brought on the silver screen the unforgettable Bette and Tina couple, amazingly portrayed by two incredible actresses, Jennifer Beals and Laurel Holloman. She's been criticized though for the way she wrote some of the characters as well as the show's end.
Let's just hope she's still not ready to say good-bye to this unique experience that made The L Word a phenomenon and built bridges between fans around the world.