

Queen to Play

2011/04/02 這是誰?,當然是週六要在Dinah Shore Weekend簽名會的Lu,她和Miki從LA開車去棕櫚泉,她的Twitter:who is going to dinah?? new posters there yeah driving out with miki in the am. girl weekend about 16 hours ago via web  有新的畫作海報,真令人期待。大家可以追蹤Miki的Twitter,上面還有Lu其她照片:。(感謝阿姐跟taine的圖,阿姐還挖了2006年的Dinah Shore簽書會照片出來,感恩啦!)

Lu 20110401

2011/04/02 備忘一下TCC的播放時間:4/4重播第三集,4/11播S1E08 'Wild Onions',4/18播S1E09 'St. Valentine's Day Massacre',4/25重播某集,5/2開始把剩下S1E10-13按序播完,6/25星期六開始重播第一季全部。

2011/04/01 JBC的消息,女王4/14要出席Gala的Reopening活動(這應該是在芝加哥吧?):JenBeals_com Jennifer Beals will be at the gala reopening of Tod's Oak Street Boutique in Chicago April 14th

2011/04/01 女王去年客串的法國片Queen to Play,4/1在美國電影院上映,

Queen to Play





JB Queen to Play


2011/04/01 插播一下一條不知該難過還是高興的新聞:Grey's Anatomy Scoop: Callie and Arizona Are Getting Married by Natalie Abrams, Apr 1, 2011 03:15 AM ET 《實習醫生》中的拉拉伴侶終於要走向禮堂,沒想到Bette的學生還比她早結婚,AfterEllen跟SheWired都有相關報導,因為拉拉在主流影集裡結婚可是大事,尤其當美國現在為同性婚姻平權法吵得沸沸揚揚的時候,我想到Shane在TLW第三季沒完成的婚禮,還有IC欠我們的TiBette紐約婚禮,無言中。

2011/03/30 一篇關於TCC去留的文章,大家可以進去投Keep it一票:'The Chicago Code,' 'Lie to Me,' 'Bob's Burgers': Keep 'em or kill 'em? By Rick Porter, March 30, 2011 6:00 PM ET 作者選出的五部影集中,TCC目前拿到最高的Keep it,將近有七成,TiBetters禁衛軍果然粉盡職

2011/03/23 一篇落網文章:Jennifer Beals: She's the Boss By Randy Norman, 2011/03/23


Almost three decades since she made a big splash in her breakout film role in Flashdance, Jennifer Beals is making her mark on the small screen, following a run on Showtime’s The L Word with a recurring part on Fox's Lie to Me, and now a starring role in that network's cop drama The Chicago Code. As police superintendant Teresa Colvin, she’s dealing with corruption on the force and in city politics and trying to manage a mostly-male force that includes her former partner (Jason Clarke).

"It's a very tenuous position to be a woman with that kind of responsibility, and especially to have been in the police force such a comparatively short amount of time, that balance that you have to strike between what is feminine leadership and what is masculine leadership," says Beals.   "How do you get 10,000 men to follow you? What kind of leader does she have to be in order to have these men trust her and be willing to follow her? She has to be so on her game and so aware that if she makes a mistake, she ruins it for the women who come after her."

Beals was drawn to Colvin’s "sense of dedication, her righteousness and sense of purpose," and the fact that the show actually shoots in Chicago, her hometown. She'd moved to Vancouver for The L Word, but her family "transitioned really well" to the Midwest relocation. "Grandma is here, I have a lot of friends here.  There's world-class hockey here, which is important," she notes. "It's been nice to reconnect with old friends I haven't seen in a long time. It's been a good experience so far."

Being in the minority in a testosterone-heavy environment on set doesn't faze Beals. "I grew up with brothers so I feel very comfortable around men," she confides, but she found the field research nerve-wracking. "We went on ride-alongs with police officers, and it was astounding to see what they have to go through every day. I wouldn't last on the street for 30 seconds," she confesses. "I would hide in the car!"

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