

台灣今天晚上(11/25 10pm)美國早上(11/25 8am CST)的感恩節女王的遊行,在美國的同學可以看WGN9的實況轉播。(補充:這是WGN主台的線上新聞,我不確定他們會不會放感恩節遊行:,賭賭看吧!)。女王會騎馬遊行嗎?期待ing新增ABC新聞:77th McDonald's Thanksgiving ParadeWednesday, November 24, 2010。原來這是唯一一場有實況轉播的感恩節遊行,女王面子真大。另一條感恩節遊行新聞:Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade November 23, 2010 by HS News Staff (Chicago Metro)


 Lu的Twitter:i just sat in my jacuzzi and stared at the moon for 2 hours with a beer. and life is perfect!!!!!!!yipppee. i used to hate beer (2010/10/24 3am?)坐在浴缸看月亮喝啤酒的Lu,還真的蠻閒情逸緻


感謝無所住阿姐提供的jess最新報導:Ilene Chaiken Producing New Show With Two & A Half Men Producers, SOUNDS LIKE A WINNER by jess, November 23, 2010。重點是阿姐在迴響點出來的IC說的大八卦:So listen. Ilene Chaiken spoke personally to a girl I know about this show and revealed that JB is pushing the producers to make her character gay.(女王正在逼製作人們把她的角色變成拉,猜猜是那一部戲?)

在上文挖的另一條IC新戲的新聞:Chaiken sews up project at CBS: 'Rhodes to Recovery' set among surgeons By Michael Schneider, 2010/11/22

不是很相關,但一定要再K IC一次Chaiken Develops CBS Medical Drama Posted by Diep Tran on November 22, 2010,IC要幫CBS拍一部一小時長的戲,是關於一個拉跟一個直男的醫療片,重點一是她會找我們認識的人來演那個拉嗎?抱怨二是我們的TLW電影在那裡


恭喜老爺!賀喜夫人!女王Hallmark11/20播的電視電影《聖誕節前夕的前一天》(這是我翻的中文名),拿到有線電視當日電影第一名跟當週第二名(難怪我看TV Guide上面馬上有重播時間),相關新聞請由此進(本消息感謝JBC提供):

Hallmark Channel Original Movie "The Night Before the Night Before Christmas" Top-Rated Movie of Day on Ad-Supported Cable
Released by The Hallmark Channel [11/23/10 - 10:47 AM]

Read more:

JBC的Twitter:Jennifer Beals photographed on Mark Anderson's Mermaids App and coffee table book "M", coming soon.。(2010/11/23) 又有女王的美圖可以收了攝影師說11月初可上市,留言的網友說希望聖誕節前可以看到,Me2。Youtube上的攝影過程:裡面沒看到女王,但美人魚女王好讓人期待!)JBC首頁放的價格:The iTunes book is 80 pages and it will cost only $1.The Ipad version will be $1.99. The hardcover book will be $75.。補充:攝影師說他還有11段影片,裡面有一段是JB:I have 11 videos I'll be putting up soon, including one of Jennifer Beals.(強力關注中o.o)


LH_NET的Twitter:BIG announcement coming December 1 re: @nalamommy. Check here & on :) :) You're going to LOVE IT! (2010/11/23) 12月1日有什麼重大宣告?不過應該是跟Lu的畫作有關吧?


AfterEllen.com輸人不輸陣,也出了關於女王MORE的報導:Jennifer Beals does "More" Posted by the linster on November 22, 2010,本篇有關於訪談的幾個重點摘要,Teresa是吃了類固醇的Bette!強力推此篇,MORE的原文快七頁了


 B&TF從硬碟挖出2006一個活動的Video clip:was cleaning my video archive & found another forgotten clip (Ribbon of Hope event) @nalamommy, Ilene, Kate & Leisha (11:22 AM Nov 23rd via web) 大家可以看看四年前的Lu、Kate和Leisha,左邊的IC就省略跳過吧


差點漏了這條有劇透的新聞ChicagoTribune.com報導:Chicago stars in 'Code': City locales at core of new Fox drama November 20, 2010 By Steve Johnson (Tribune reporter)


州長來訪時:The politicians spoke. Executive producer Shawn Ryan flew in from LA and spoke. Co-star Jennifer Beals spoke, eloquently, about the city she grew up in and its cops and what the show might mean to both. She didn't even seem to mind that Quinn mentioned "Flashdance," her 1983 breakout role as a sexy welder, in seemingly every other sentence, including one about welding and the importance of union jobs.

光頭神探跟The Chicago Code的比較:But where "The Shield" was hand-held, jittery and about one Los Angeles police outpost and the rogue cops within it, "The Chicago Code" aims to be cinematic in style and theme, the tale of a city and how, as Beals says, "one of the things bringing all of us down on all sorts of levels is corruption."

女王角色的劇透Driving the first season is Beals' struggle, as the new police commissioner, to bring down a gloriously corrupt and all-powerful alderman played by Delroy Lindo. Clarke's character is her former partner, who, at first reluctantly, joins her in this quest. Unlike in "The Shield," the cops here mostly wear white hats.(芝加哥的警察是「好」警察這是和光頭神探的差異,廢話!我家女王當然是演面惡心善的壞好人!)



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