JBC的網友問:It's not Jennifer on right, right? Next to another woman...
FB上面的網友問得更可愛:maybe i m to catch by miss JB...but i think i see her....to the right...pls tell me that i m healthy :D(不負責任中譯:我是不是太想念JB了...我想我看到她了...在右邊,請告訴我我是正常的)
FB另一個網友回:I think it's her.....
WCT: I noticed on the website that Jennifer Beals from The L Word is helping you with some proceeds from her book.
Judy Shepard: Yes, she has been a great friend to the [ Matthew Shepard ] foundation and several celebrities have been. She has just been terrific.
WCT: That is good to hear.
Judy Shepard: That has been one of the rewarding things is that people who command respect and audience have been really good to us.
Matthew Shepard的媽媽Judy Shepard 2010/09/22在受訪稿這樣稱讚我家女王,原文連結:
Judy Shepard continues to fight for LGBT rights
by Jerry Nunn, 2010-09-22
Matthew Shepard Foundation是The L Word Book指定捐款的三個基金會之一,女王還接受過他們的錄音訪問(網站改版,原連結失效,我還沒留這篇訪稿,欲哭無淚中... ...連部落格今天都在給我出錯,寫好的文章居然不見了!)