


nalamommy @BealsRocks just ur name is great have u seen my girl in ride along she is gonna kick it. she is soooo great i smell emmy. im very proud



Hidden Treasure

居然是從介紹Lu的畫作開始,只能說好萊塢的年齡歧視(ageism)讓人搖頭,快要40的Lu雖然有The L Word背書,仍然只能在影集客串之間游走,當然相較於JB「消失」的20年,Lu還算幸運了,是這樣她們才像莊子說的:「泉涸,魚相與處於陸,相呴以溼,相濡以沫,不如相忘於江湖。」?終究,如果她們相忘於江湖,各自擁有一片天空,那其實是該祝賀的事!雖然會有些莫名的哀愁不可言說,沒辦法這是Tibette Fever後遺症,我們始終在虛構與現實之間擺盪,嘗試去捉住那不存在的空中飛人的繩索... ...


Hidden Treasure: Like many of my paintings, this one has many layers. Sometimes I come in with too much emotion and I get rather impatient and then I get stuck. I guess you could say the painting has to dictate where I should go. In this case, I was painting a series of female nudes that was borderline pornography. The final image was so disturbing due to the position of the subject in the photograph and an intense amount of pubic hair. It just embarrassed me because I was going for something raw and it was painfully contrived. So I immersed the subjects’ genitalia in a watery grave. The gold was already in the painting. Put whatever value you want in that. I basically turned the landscape of her body part into a landscape of the bottom of the sea, which in turn reflects back to growth and birth. I love blue as a color, as it represents a male principle in painting. I find it calming and spiritual.



離題太遠拉回,上面Lu的自我釋解是,在畫了一堆接近色情圖邊緣的裸女畫之後(那些好像還好吧,受過TLW特訓的我們覺得很小兒科ㄟ,其實這段應該是說畫作裡有太明確的人形主題引起的關係討論影響到她作畫的motion),她發現在公眾領域的討論讓她很困擾,她也對之前作品所呈現的生疏(raw)和做作感到困窘,所以在這張畫之中她把主題的「生殖器」(genitalia)注入到水狀的墳墓中。就是說她不想畫太具體的人或物引發人們的聯想,她把(女性)主角的身體變成風景(那些圍著藍色水的邊緣),它反應出成長和誕生的意象,她喜歡使用藍色當顏料是因為它在繪畫中呈現出的男性準則(male principle)。她發現它是平靜和心靈層次的。

以上是不負責任譯解,以下是不負責任聯想,Hidden Treasure畫題是「隱藏的寶藏」,畫家Lu在那片藍色「海洋」藏了什麼東西?最終她(subject,不一定是Lu)的身體變成容器去承受或包容,對不起,如果有情色聯想,那這幅會比那些裸女圖還直接,所以為了回避「不當聯想」的Lu畫了一幅更會「不當聯想」的畫,其實我把它看成磁器上釉時滑下的軌跡,那些在綠色部份流動的液體,growth and birth,嗯!我想入非非了... ...


但在演藝之路上,借用她的粉絲B&TF說的:When I say, “Laurel Holloman”, I’m sure many of her fans would immediately think of Tina Kennard, their favorite character and, by Laurel’s own admission, her favorite character so far, as well. However, Laurel will not be remembered only as an actress and the best on-screen acting partner of Jennifer Beals.




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