這張照片很有趣,兩個情敵分外眼紅的感覺,中間還放著Cate的名牌,有沒有人要跟她們說這是發表會,不是電影ㄟ!而其實... ...
我們很好啦!不用緊張... ...
還真是驚嚇指數破表,魚只是去Afterellen找Carol的相關資料,卻不小心看到雙蕉姐Sarah Paulson原來是個活生生的拉,其實早在美國恐怖故事第二季,就對她很有印象了。Sarah Paulson被ptt影集版的網友戲稱雙蕉姐,是來自美國恐怖故事第四季,她演連體雙胞胎的外號。所以看到Carol裡的Abby是她演的,只想到這齣戲都是戲精來演,演Carol老公Harge的也是認識很久的演員,中年大叔就自動跳過了。
Sarah Paulson 1974年出生,生日跟JB只差兩天,最近American Crime Story正在美國電視台播放,主演的Sarah在紐約時報有個專訪,Afterellen上面有相關文章,請自行取用:Why Sarah Paulson is one of the most important actresses of our time
根據wiki的資料,Sarah2004年和大她18歲的女演員Cherry Jones成為伴侶,可惜她們在2009年分手。去年她傳出有新歡,後來兩個人也公開了,年齡不是問題,就算差了31歲也是真愛,另一位女演員就是在TLW裡演海倫娜的媽Peabody夫人的Holland Taylor。突然發現這個"Abby"還比較像Therese,喜歡熟女。wiki資料連結在此:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Paulson
“I really just tried to think about friendship and selflessness and kind of unwavering loyalty,” Sarah said during a press conference this week in New York. “Because I think Abby still has feelings for Carol. And I think it's a challenging thing–I wonder what I personally would do if somebody I loved and still had feelings for her–if I was called upon to come in and rescue the person that she currently loves. I don't know.”
“It was, to me, a testament to her [Abby's] friendship and her love,” Sarah said of Abby's consistency in Carol's life. “and I think the desire to be around Carol and Carol's orbit no matter what. I think Abby's sense of society–I don't mean literal society, but her community, her friendships–they were probably quite narrow at that time. So, to lose something like that would be–the consequences of that would be too enormous.”
大家可以在這篇2015/11/20的報導看到更多相關細節:“Carol”and the universality of the year's best lesbian film