今天才發現IC是嘻哈帝國的執行製作,希望她可以鹹魚翻身記得還我們一部電影,不是L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin紀錄片,我要看的是原班人馬,雖然已經越來越不可能了!
有沒有人可以告訴我Rizzoli & Isles的片頭是誰拍的?為什麼可以跟TLW最後一幕長得一模一樣?魚已經自動腦補成那是TLW的衍生劇,女警與女法醫!
去afterellen逛了一下,我好像常看到Trish Bendix的文章,她有一篇6/10刊登的文章:Lesbian/Bi Stories Can Absolutely Be Universal,裡面有提到TLW,這麼多年過去了,還是只有它,節錄如下:
As for The L Word, it was both a show about queer women and telling lesbian stories from mostly lesbian women. But it had fully-realized characters and stories and also transcended a strictly lesbian audience. Many straight women, gay and straight men watched the show, just like we watch shows “about” them. Even if they watched it strictly out of voyeuristic curiosity, they had to take in a lot more emotional melodrama and lesbian lingo than actual girl-on-girl sex scenes. If it were truly the latter, The L Word would never have lasted six seasons on a premium cable network. (Sadly, the reality version was less nuanced, which is why it didn’t fare so well.)
The reality is that a lesbian audience is not big enough to make a show or artist a hit. (Unless maybe every single one of us tuned in, although that is unlikely because we have varying tastes and interests, just like other people!!!) But we are still a sizable group, and one that deserves recognition and representation like any others. (The fact that most of our most visible stories at this point are about white, able-bodied, cisgender and middle to high class lesbians is another problem itself!) It’s an unfair stigma and subsequent punishment to be given less opportunities based on the general population’s perceived one-track minds. If we all agree to move past that point, perhaps we can work to open them up, and we’ll all be better off for it.