2012/02/11 女王客串Castle的消息已經出現一兩個月了,2/13終於要上演,以下是昨天放出來的預告,果然又把原女主角壓下去(看燈光師把女王的臉打多亮,那個女主角一直是半邊光而已
Hi Sandra, Do you have scoop on the upcoming Castle two-parter? They are always amazing and looking for anything Caskett-related you can tease. Thanks! — Cheryl
Well, I can tell you what you definitely won’t see: Beckett versus guest star Jennifer Beals. Beals, who plays CIA op (and former Castle flame!) Sophia Turner on the show’s two-parter, said she always hoped the character wouldn’t come between Castle and Beckett and made that clear that to EP Andrew Marlowe when they first chatted about the role. “I’m not interested in a triangle. I’m not interested in two women fighting over the same guy,” she says. “Sophia Turner is not the woman whose pining or trying to undermine another woman. I’m not interested in a catfight. There can be tension, problems, it can bring up issues for Beckett, but we’re not going to be mud wrestling.” Somewhere, Richard Castle is weeping in disappointment.
2011/02/11 女王幫電腦兒童軟體代言(?)的影片,JBC還真的什麼都找得到,感謝她們提供的影片:
2012/02/11 這條新聞也快一個月了,Lu在1/13的tweet說她正在準備巴黎的畫展,根據LanaRus的1/31tweet:
First solo show for @nalamommy is going to be in Pantheon Town Hall, Paris on April 3-21, according to Laurel Holloman Studio Facebook page
Lu會在4/3-21在巴黎Pantheon Town Hall舉辦個展,能在藝術之都辦畫展應該是每個畫家的夢想吧!恭喜Lu終於要開個人第一次畫展。(那個某畫廊經紀人記得要把潛力畫家簽下來~~)