
TiBette FirstKiss


照過來,照過來,電腦壞掉那陣子,AfterEllen推了兩個好玩的專題報導,一個是"Best First Kisses" (2011/04/12),我家小貝跟小茶當然理所當然入選:

Bette and Tina, The L Word.

Tina "forgot" her earring at Bette's fancy art party. She called it "fate." Alice called it the "the oldest trick in the book."


另一篇"A Timeline of Lesbian Weddings" (2011/04/11),介紹在各影集中辦結婚典禮的拉拉:

From Afterellen

作者選了2006年的Shane跟Carmen未完成的婚禮,原來QAF那組早在2001年就結婚了,我的Photoshop還沒重裝,不然很想在2012那年加上一張TiBette結婚照,大家先自己加上去吧!明天是英國王室的世紀婚禮,但我期待的卻是另外一場正港的TiBette Nation的婚禮

女王上週還真忙,地球日(4/22)那天跑到LA曬個太陽(有沒曬到Lu畫室我就不知道了),星期天馬上跑回芝加哥看NHL曲棍球的季後賽,一邊是老家的黑鷹隊,另一邊是溫哥華的隊,不過我想女王的最愛還是公牛隊,哈,古代的報導是說塞爾提克隊,好啦這不是重點,重點是那一天另一個Colvin居然出現了,影片檔: (感謝YDY論壇VenAcá網友提供的影片連結和TeresaColvin網友的截圖)

Lu 20110422

The Colvins是註定要同進同出是吧?下週一女王的TCC又要演新的一集,Lu剛好也在紐約義賣畫作,不知手震大媽Miki會不會跟去拍些美美的照片?

昨天L8 Convention主辦單位放出影友會影片,感謝Vicky童鞋的消息,大家可以到這邊看影片:

DIVA五月號有女王的訪問(大概是配合TCC在英國SKY1 HD頻道播放的採訪文),不知有沒有新照片?官網介紹文:

DIVA 20110511

Jennifer Beals on her new TV role as a tough cop
Jenny Eden talks to the former L Word star about her new show, The Chicago Code

What do you do after being the star of the world's best loved lesbian TV show? In the case of Jennifer Beals you turn it around to play a ball-busting police chief, who she describes as "deeply heterosexual".

In a world where actresses look for contrasts you couldn't get much bigger than The L Word's academic Bette Porter and The Chicago Code's tough Superintendent Teresa Colvin. But whatever she chose next Jennifer knew she was never again going to get a role that made as much impact as Bette. When The L Word first hit our screens in 2004 the reaction ranged from shock to titillation to relief that gay women were finally getting seen on TV . And Jennifer never fails to appreciate how much the show meant to so many people.

She says: "Being part of The L Word made me realise how much television can be of service to people. I had so many fans come up to me who were really deeply appreciative of the show, and what it had meant for them and their own sense of identity and their own sense of inclusion in our society and in our culture."


SKY1 20110512

SKY1 20110512


插播一下Carmen(Sarah Shahi)的消息,她今年在USA有線頻道的"Fairly Legal"影集要在MOD平台的DIVA Universal頻道播放:

Fairly Legal

她最近和Paris Hilton槓上,在Twitter直接罵Paris是不負責任的危險駕駛,還差點撞到她,目前發展是Paris否認自己有危險駕駛,相關新聞請看這邊:,果然是TLW出來的演員,F跟B開頭的字都出現了,Kate要不要去幫一下



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