
"You could back up a truck to my door filled with cash and I wouldn't do it." -Jennifer Beals


女王最近被時人(People)雜誌訪問時,再次證實她曾經拒絕上DWTS(Dancing with the Stars),全文如下:Jennifer Beals Turns Down Dancing with the Stars By Monica Rizzo, Thursday February 17, 2011 11:30 AM EST

She was a maniac on the floor in the movie Flashdance, but don't hold your breath for actress Jennifer Beals to waltz in the footsteps of fellow '80s dance film icon Jennifer Grey and compete on Dancing With the Stars.

"I am not a dancer," says Beals, 47, who currently stars in the Fox drama The Chicago Code. "They asked me and I said 'no.' You could back up a truck to my door filled with cash and I wouldn't do it." (「就算你把一卡車的錢倒進我門口,我也不會答應。」好豪氣的Bette式回答,Teresa局長大概還要再等幾集才會正式變成Badass BetTeresa)

Beals says a visit to the DWTS ballroom a few years ago to support actress pal Marlee Matlin confirmed to her that the show wasn't her cup of tea.

"The sound of the audience is so loud and the energy in there is so intense," Beals says. "I wanted to start crying just in feeling for her. I joked with Marlee and said, 'You don't know how lucky you are you can't hear this.' The noise level is so intense and people's excitement level is so intense. I could never. I'm not that kind of a performer."

好玩的是MM昨天在Twitter馬上回了這段話:MarleeMatlin @Twitter "Maybe Jennifer Beals is right saying I was lucky that I'm deaf! LOL." about 12 hours ago via web




Jennifer Beals - Extra - DWTS by tibelen, 2009/04/23

這段畫面大概是女王陪MM上DWTS錄的,tibelen網友還附了JB講話的文字稿:"Absolutely not I've been asked, I would not do DWTS it's: Much. Too. Frightening."


When did actors stop doing their own dancing? By Anne Billson, Thursday 20 January 2011 21.30 GMT

When did stars stop doing their own dancing? I first started getting distracted by stand-ins during 1980s bopsicals such as Flashdance, in which Jennifer Beals clearly wasn't doing her own bum-spinning (in fact it was uncredited Marine Jahan, who finally got a credit of her own in Walter Hill's Streets of Fire), or Footloose, when Kevin Bacon clearly wasn't turning his own mid-air somersaults, or Girls Just Want to Have Fun, in which Sarah Jessica Parker clearly wasn't … you get the picture. Instead of surrendering to the spectacle of the dance, I became obsessed with pinpointing the precise moment when the actor was replaced by the substitute, whose features would be obscured by tricksy lighting and camera angles.


TLW第五季殺青之舞,就是從頭吻到尾就對了(好像應該再找更清楚一點的video),這場實在拍得太歡樂了,JB OS:我有跳舞嗎?Lu:oxox...

好了殺青之舞不算跳舞,那第六季第七集Last Couple Standing應該算是明正言順跳舞吧?看女王自己怎麼說:

Jennifer I loved doing [episode]607.

Kate I did too. I had a blast.

Jennifer For me, it was so much fun because I could watch everybody else do their work and watch them do stuff that they don't normally do.(下略)

--The L Word Book p184.

女王的攝影書裡還拍了好幾張她們為了那場舞蹈比賽準備,練舞的照片。誰說JB不愛跳舞?DWTS那種比賽性質的舞,她一口回絕是正確的選擇,就像她說的:"I am not a dancer,"(除了幫節目製造話題外,女王沒有fu大概也跳不下去,何況還少了人一起練舞),但是,回到IC怎麼讓她乖乖就範拍跳舞戲的問題,答案就不用我說了

2011/02/24更新:People雜誌的內頁,問了女王三個問題:你最喜歡芝加哥那個部份?女王說建築物跟人,第二個問題是問女王最愛和女兒跟老公一起做什麼事?女王說星期天和他們一起躺在床上賴床賴到下午三點,或者下雨天不能出門時玩解謎或講故事,最後一個就是問要不要參加DWTS的事,就是本文最上面的引言,給我一卡車鈔票也no way



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