
既然afterellen都到TCA會場,當然會抓住機會採訪女王,還問了幾個不怕死的問題,JB閃很大,JL迷請小心刺鼻的消毒水A quickie with Jennifer Beals Posted by Lesley Goldberg on January 12, 2011

JB 20110111 

How much do we love Jennifer Beals? From Bette Porter to Teresa Colvin, the tough superintendent of police out to expose corrupt cops on Fox's upcoming drama The Chicago Code, the actress has a history of playing strong women we love. caught up with Beals during Fox’s Television Critics Association party to discuss lessons she learned from Bette, Teresa's love life and why she felt the urge to sniff her male co-stars post-L Word. What did you get from your time on The L Word as Bette that you're bringing to The Chicago Code's Teresa?
They share a certain righteousness and they're driven. Teresa is so much more physically in her body and so much less afraid of using her physicality than Bette. As much as I love Bette, Teresa could kick Bette's ass any day of the week. Playing Bette has really helped me with this part. There are times when I need a certain kind of strength that she had and it's really helped inform what I do. In some ways, Teresa is a little bit more butch than Bette. (這段是重點)

AE: What makes her more butch — aside from the gun?
I think she's a little bit more connected to masculinity.

AE: Any chance we'll get a chance to see any former L Word stars pop up on The Chicago Code?
Wouldn't that be fun? I would love that. I was thinking that the other day, actually. Anybody would be fantastic. (也許會在TCC S2看到TLW其他成員)

AE: Laurel Holloman is heading to Dinah Shore this year with her art. Any chance we'll see a Bette and Tina reunion in Palm Springs?
I'm probably going to be working, knock on wood. (感謝記者問了這個不怕死的問題,女王說她在忙著工作,3-4月有什麼工作ㄚ女王?不知記者被瞪了沒?謎之音:完全不驚訝Lu在畫圖和去Dinah Shore的時間,回答這麼乾脆,女王你對Lu的事和行蹤會不會太了解了?)

AE: Are you still in contact with any former castmembers?
Not everyday, but Leisha [Hailey] and I have been texting back and forth and I hear from Rachel [Shelley] quite a bit and Pam [Grier] every now and again. Meredith [McGeachie, who played Tonya] I talk to quite a bit. I hear from [writer] Alex [Kondracke] every now and again. (必問題,還有再跟TLW其他成員聯絡嗎?超強人型立牌Leisha果然再現江湖,JL之友Rachel照例被提起,姐姐Pam當然是一定要提的,第二季和Dana在一起的Tonya怎麼會出現?Alex Kondracke我又把她跟《性福拉警報》導演搞錯了。)

AE: Will Teresa have a love interest?
Yes, finally, by the end, thank God. (還好是在最後一集,thank God!)

AE: Male or female?
Male! Whoot! Whoot! (Laughing.) Can I tell you, when I got onto a movie surrounded by men I was a little bit of an animal. I would just go around smelling the other actors. (Laughing.) It was very exciting. (記者問對象是男的還是女的?女王反應很搞笑,順便送上消毒水一大瓶,說她在一堆男人的電影裡(應該是奪天書)她就像隻小動物,一直不停在聞他們,讓她很興奮。可是女王我們唯一記得的畫面是你不停聞Tina/Lu的鏡頭還有你老公不是男的嗎?你把他擺到那裡去了?)

AE: Did you miss the stubble during love scenes?
It's not that I had tons of love scenes or anything but just the smell and presence, it just was really great. I did miss the way that everybody processed things on the set of The L Word and I did miss that kind of really particular kind of camaraderie and everybody on The L Word was very supportive of one another. There are times when I've missed that and we've all talked about how lucky we were and how it was really this sort of utopic existence — apart from not having to get men smells in great proximity all the time. (又一個不怕死的問題,女王這裡講得很好,雖然跟問題無關,我喜歡有深度有內涵的JB,雖然記者的問題我也想知道答案,大推女王最後兩行回答。)

AE: Have you finished processing The L Word finale?
Yes, I'm done. Any parting thoughts I put in my L Word book or have said already. I have to say that I'm incredibly grateful to Ilene [Chaiken] for having had the chance to have played that character and every now and again on this show I would text or call Ilene and ask her advice or talk to her about certain things. It's a great friendship and was a great working relationship. (問女王告別TLW沒有?一樣傷感的問題Lu說她沒有辦法說再見,那個喜歡故作堅強的Bette/JB當然說有,都放到TLW Book裡了。然後順便感謝一下IC和她們的友情,女王你趕快用友誼感召一下薑餅人拍TLW電影吧!人家"The Kids Are All Right"兩個女主角都入圍金球獎了,你是不是也該拿座獎回家了?)

AE: Your fans from The L Word are very excited to see you back on a series, especially in a leading role. Any parting words to your lesbian fanbase?
Just wait for her in a uniform. I think it’s worth waiting for. (要跟TLW影迷說什麼?關於新戲主角的部份,女王說等著她穿上制服吧!Give me more power suits!)

The Chicago Code premieres Feb. 7 on Fox.


2011/01/14更新:本篇有YDY論壇鲱祜網友的中譯版,感恩啦,請由此進: #10089


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