這張海報在80年代大概人手一張,湯姆克魯斯(Tom Cruise, 1962-)現在還在拍戲,誤,應該說還在當男主角,那背後的美女教官去那裡了?
今天去afterellen又逛出一個被遺忘的美女,The L Word到底還藏了多少大咖?真是太神奇了,連Top Gun的女主角,80年代的票房女明星Kelly Mcgillis都有演,猜猜她演的是誰?
1957年出生在加州的Kelly Mcgillis,1985年與哈里遜福特(Harrison Ford, 1942-)合演證人(Witness, 1985)一炮而紅,
然後隔年的悍衛戰士(Top Gun, 1986)更是賣到翻過去,不過那部片紅的是男主角,號稱5' 7"(170cm)高的湯姆克魯斯,到現在還在紅,不過還真難為她,Kelly Mcgillis有5' 10"(178cm 比女王還高),所以已經彎著身子趴在直挺挺的男主角背後還是比他高(湯姆克魯斯OS:是後座比較高好嗎?)。我發現好萊塢的「小個子」演員都把身高寫成5' 7"(170cm),跟女王合演的Tim Roth大叔和Matthew Broderick,都是這樣寫,Matthew還寫5' 8"(173cm),這不是女王的身高?明明都比JB矮半顆頭,算了身高不是重點,離題太遠拉回。Kelly Mcgillis另一部著名的片子就是讓茱蒂福斯特(Jodie Foster, 1962-)拿到奧斯卡最佳女主角的控訴(The Accused, 1988),
她好像有「旺夫運」的樣子,80年代每個跟她合作的演員不是大紅大紫不然也得獎無數,她本人卻好像沒事一樣,她在22歲就結過一次短暫的婚姻(1979-1981),比女王還早嫁, 那時流行早婚嗎?1989她再婚,生了兩個女兒,大概因為結婚生子專心顧小孩,所以演藝生涯開始有點下坡,沒什麼比較知名的作品,90年代之後拍的幾乎都是電視電影,2000年她拍了一部拉拉驚悚片,在裡面還有露點演出:The Monkey's Mask,
The New York Times reported that on September 15, 2010, Kelly McGillis and Melanie Leis had a civil union performed in Collingswood, New Jersey, by Judge Robert T. Zane III. Melanie Leis is a sales executive. (IMDB)
其實Kelly McGillis是去年四月才出櫃(52歲),她接受SheWired.com訪問時證實傳說已久的謠言:
In April, 2009 Kelly McGillis confirmed long-held rumors that she's a lesbian, according to an interview on the website shewired. (IMDB)
原新聞來源:Kelly McGillis Says She's Gay on SheWired's 'Girl Rock'
by Boo Jarchow | Article Date: 04/30/2009 6:30 AM
Fifty-one-year young Kelly McGillis is starting her "life in a whole different phase," she told rocker and SheWired vlogger Jennifer Corday -- ostensibly coming out as a lesbian.
Corday, in her Girl Rock video blog, asks the Top Gun and The Accused star, that since she is single, is she looking for a man or woman, or both?
In no uncertain terms McGillis responded that what she is looking for is "definitely a woman." McGillis, a long-rumored lesbian who starred on The L Word as a closeted Army Colonel trying a Don't Ask Don't Tell case added that she is "done with the man thing." She said she is "done with that, and needs to move on in life, and that's another part of being true to yourself." It has been a challenge personally for her, she added.
McGillis said that realizing her sexuality has been an ongoing process for her since she was 12 years old, but through her life faced getting over being convinced that God was punishing her for being gay.
Corday told McGillis that it's much easier to become spiritual now and people realize that "God is okay with you being gay."
McGillis added that "life is a freaking journey, and it's about growing and changing, and coming to terms with who and what you are, and loving who and what you are."
A real lesbian playing a closeted lesbian who goes after out lesbians who serve in the military. Whew, glad that kind of brain-twister of a role will now be a thing of the past. (afterellen)
這是她在The L Word的劇照,在第五季飾演代表軍方的檢察官,還一直刁難Alice和Tasha小倆口,猜對了嗎?這兩天歐巴馬剛簽完終結軍方「不問不說」政策的法令,afterellen很歡樂的列出電視跟電影裡the hottest women in uniform(最hottest穿制服的女人),我的第一個直覺當然是穿警察制服的女王,不過她們選的是當兵的,然後就看到一張熟面孔再加上一個很熟的名字放在一起,OMG!我怎麼沒有認出她(這跟看失控的陪審團認不得一分鐘女王還大的罪過,人家可是整整演了兩集),其實我喜歡Kelly McGillis,不是因為上面列的那幾部80年代大戲,而是一齣芭樂俗爛到不行的愛情電影:天上人間(Made in Heaven, 1987),
We Never Danced (by The Motels)
Between heaven and earth
There's a ballroom floor
Where the couples glide
In the evermore.
Floating through the clouds
Dancing in the rain
Eyes that see no lies
Hearts that feel no pain.
Hope it's not too late
We were more than friends
I can hardly wait
'Til we meet again.
If you don't really know
Where you want to go
It makes no difference
Which road you take.
Hope it's not too late
We were more than friends
I can hardly wait
'Til we meet again.
We never danced
We never danced
We never danced
the night away.
We never danced
We never danced
We never danced
the night away.
"Hope it's not too late /We were more than friends /I can hardly wait /'Til we meet again."
Kelly McGillis43歲找到真愛,52歲出櫃,今年終於互相有了名份,我想到我們家那一對,很多事還真的要有耐心!
PS:附贈Made in Heaven電影,Youtube上有人放沒字幕版: