美國片名:The Madonna and the Dragon
劇情大綱:Expose of two news photographers covering the "People's Revolution" in the Philipines.
背景是艾奎諾被暗殺時的菲律賓,JB飾演攝影師Patty Meredith。
JB在1990年前後跟兩位(非好萊塢系統)大導演合作拍了兩部片,女王真的很有眼光,只可惜在90年代,法國新浪潮導演(Claude Chabrol 1930-2010)已經變老浪潮,Dr. M風評不佳。獨立電影之父Sam Fuller拍完黑白種族爭議的White Dog, 1982後,已遠走法國,這部法國人出資,電影規格的片最後也只能變成電視電影,IMDB上的播放記錄還是1990/09在日本。最神奇的是整部片2008年出現在Youtube上,因為JB的粉絲把它全部上傳,這讓Sam Fuller的影迷/影評嘖嘖稱奇,居然還有人記得這部片並把它「公開」,女王的魅力真的無人能擋,TLW的影迷真是好厲害的紅螞蟻!所以The Chicago Code的工作人員才會說:
Filming in the lobby of the Tribune Tower. Spotted: Jennifer Beals of The L Word fame!
7:42 AM Dec 7th via twidroid (by refulgent@Twitter)
導演Sam Fuller (1912-1997)的資料:
wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Fuller
IMDB http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0002087/
IMDB上有一篇本片的User Reviews寫得不錯:Sam Fuller's last stand, 22 January 2010 by Fritz Langlois
Anything involving Samuel Fuller makes for great watching. This made for TV movie from 1990 is no exception. While it certainly is a minor work, it is still a worthwhile Fuller venture. Set in Manila, it would also prove to be Fuller's last film as a director. Although it was made for, and financed by, a French TV network, it looks like a straight cinema film, with good production values (but, it has to be said, Fuller was more than capable of making something cheap look great; most of his movies, now classics, were rather low-key affairs as far as money was concerned – this was a price for independence, and Fuller is a Godfather of sorts for independent film-making). In the mid-to-late 1980s, Fuller worked in France for the most part, where he had several projects made. So this was a logical continuation, as well as a last shot at a war picture, arguably Fuller's favorite field. It has all the trademark Fuller elements: a realistic, gritty approach to the story, tight efficient editing to propel characters and audience in the thick of the action, action-packed sequences with courageous choices to be made, journalist-reporters as main characters (one of them played by Jennifer Beals, speaking French here– this is a French-speaking film), impressive civil war scenes (as it should be). There's also Frenchman Luc Merenda, of many an Italian police flick, and Patrick Bauchau, seen in films by Eric Rohmer and Dario Argento and everything in between. Also this is a welcome look at a historical situation (Marcos guerrilla in the Philippines) rarely tackled in the movies. On the bad side, the music is awful, but that doesn't matter very much. To this date, it's not available in any format but has been posted in its entirety on Youtube in 2008 (on account of Jennifer Beals fandom!), which is nothing short of a miracle, especially since the quality is very acceptable. Samuel Fuller remains one of the best, and most endearing, master writer-directors of all time.
另一篇影評:The Madonna and the Dragon (1990, Sam Fuller) December 16, 2008 at 1:07 am by Brandon's movie memory
One of three TV-movies Fuller made in '90, a year after his final theatrical film Street of No Return (and I still don't know where to find the other two).
Earnest photographer Jennifer Beals (Flashdance, Chabrol's Dr. M) is in the Philippines in the mid '80's (soon before the downfall of Ferdinand Marcos) looking for shots of strife and poverty to bring global attention to the local slums. She meets up with her ex, opportunistic photographer Luc Merenda (a vet of 1970's Italian cop movies who cameoed in Hostel II).
Highlight of the movie is this local kid they meet. He learned hardboiled American gangster-speak from the movies and follows our couple around calling her "doll" and him "frenchy" while keeping them out of trouble. Trouble comes when Frenchy snaps a pic of a military man shooting an old woman in the head for not giving up a rebel camp location. From then on, it's a chase for that roll of film, with more screen time for Frenchy than Beals, even though she's the "star".
Christa Lang plays Mama, who runs a sorta casino-brothel. N. Vera says: "It's got a good Filipino cast–Behn Cervantes is an old friend of Lino Brocka and a theatrical legend… Pilar Pilapil is (or was) one of the most sensual actresses in Philippine cinema." Pilar plays a girl forced to "work" at Mama's until boyfriend Behn can afford to buy her out. They seem sympathetic to our heroes' cause until the end, when Behn is discovered to be a pro-Marcos spy and is machine-gunned in the middle of a rally by the kid – an event captured by both photographers, getting 'em well-paid cover shots for a happy ending.
Fuller no longer had the budget or prestige for a studio shoot, but B. Krohn calls Madonna and some other late works "great films, despite the loss of control from location shooting." Functional cinematography except for a fun shootout at a movie house, the action on the screen echoing the firefight in the theater.
Music sounds like the percussion of the backing track to that "Oh Yeah" song from Ferris Bueller with some hideous keyboards over it. Fuller wrote the title song (movie's alt title is Tinikling, named after a game played by street kids in the movie, like jumprope with bamboo poles). Nice lyrics actually, but there’s no adequate performance of it in the film – first the kid belts it out in a moving car, then this guy Samuel Euston puts too much heart and soul and lameness into it.
PS:這篇影評又是那種把女王當通俗明星看的電影系學生口吻,From then on, it's a chase for that roll of film, with more screen time for Frenchy than Beals, even though she's the "star".很高興在看完塔可夫斯基的電影之後,我就離開這種學院派的白目行列。如果不是有JB的加持,有誰會這麼熱心的在Youtube上放這部片?第一段還有五千多個人看過(中間幾段剩不到數百人,最後一段剩下1500個聽得懂法語或鐵桿子的JB迷),女王在裡面講的可是法文!IMDB還寫成英語發音。
1/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zogHo3TH6Zk&feature=related
2/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Q_-81uVHQ&feature=related
3/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_PlODFBtJs&feature=related
4/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WShrgDQRROA&feature=related
5/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmVmRLKXNuU&feature=related
6/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rl8MjDV94Uw&feature=related
7/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxU4hfpo778&feature=related
8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbqJWM31CeI&feature=related
9/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUnfWUC_Taw&feature=related
10/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kp_6uO7ZM54&feature=related