
For a memorial day


今天起三天都是TiBette Nation的節慶紀念日,TiBetters請自動在心裡同樂三天!如果要放彩虹煙火,請勿被地球人發現,我們是拉拉星球TiBette Nation潛藏在地球的同學,身負保衛女王跟Lu的重責大任。


你們在戲外真的擁抱在一起的那一刻是TiBetters/JL迷的國慶日,謝謝你們這麼大方無私地讓我們宣洩所有的想念與愛慕,就把這首TiBette Nation的國歌獻給你們,也許讓所有夢想成真的Wonderland就在我們不遠之處。I wish you are happy together, forever!


Joan Armatrading - Love and Affection

I am not in love
But I'm open to persuasion
East or West
Where's the best
For romancing

With a friend
I can smile
But with a lover
I could hold my head back
I could really laugh
Really laugh

Thank you
You took me dancing
'Cross the floor
Cheek to cheek
But with a lover
I could really move
Really move
I could really dance
Really dance
Really dance
Really dance
I could really move
Really move
Really move
Really move

Now if I can feel the sun
In my eyes
And the rain on my face
Why can't I
Feel love

I can really love
Really love
Really love
Really love
Really love
Love love love love
Love love love love

Now I got all
The friends that I want
I may need more
But I shall just stick to those
That I have got
With friends I still feel
So insecure

Little darling I believe you could
Help me a lot
Just take my hand
And lead me where you will
No conversation
No wave goodnight
Just make love
With affection

Sing me another love song
But this time
With a little dedication
Sing it, sing it
You know that's what I like
Once more with feeling
Give me love
Give me love
Give me love


    創作者 Flaneur@TLW 的頭像

    COME As You Are

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