Jennifer Beals: No Botox, No Nudity, New Show
by Jo Piazza (Subscribe to Jo Piazza's posts)
Posted Nov 29th 2010 at 5:00PM
Jennifer Beals won't be getting Botox.
"That's not what I wish for myself," the 46-year-old former "L-Word" actress tells More magazine on the topic of whether she plans to get plastic surgery or other cosmetic treatments. Beals is taking aging as it comes -- with a sense of humor.
"Yeah everything's moving, frankly downward," she tells the magazine.
But her career continues to be on the upswing. After six years on Showtime's lesbian drama, Beals will star as a lady cop in the new Fox drama "Ride-Along," slated for 2011. The new series is being filmed in Beals' hometown of Chicago. The actress explains to the magazine that she is no stranger to the Windy City's mean streets or to being around firearms.
"I grew up in an apartment building (in Chicago) and everyone we knew had a gun," Beals says.
In the past 10 years, Beals has experienced a resurgence of a career that began as a teen actress playing Alex Owens in "Flashdance." Yet somehow, Beals avoided the pitfalls that trap some young celebrities in a downward spiral of partying, drugs and missing underwear.
"To get sucked into that, you have to believe the glamour is real. If you have your eye on a different prize, you don't get sucked in," Beals says.
Her pal Jodie Foster adds that she never thought Beals would be an actress in the first place. "It didn't fit her personality. She's not somebody who needs to dance on a table with a lampshade on her head to get attention," Foster tells the mag.
Speaking of missing underwear, Beals never does nudity, despite the fact that she has had some of the sexiest love scenes on television.
"Jennifer didn't do nudity, but she did some of the most compelling and sexy scenes, because she made them so real," says "L-Word" creator Ilene Chaiken.
To read Beals' full interview, grab a copy of More magazine, on newsstands now.
Healthy Hollywood: What A Fabulous Feeling Over Jennifer Beals!
FIRST PUBLISHED: November 22, 2010 7:32 PM EST
LAST UPDATED: November 24, 2010 2:08 PM EST
By Terri MacLeod
NEW YORK, N.Y. -- OK, so I may be dating myself, but Jennifer Beals was the fashion icon of my generation! The leg warmers, the ripped sweatshirts, the baggy pants, the big hair – oh my! Who didn't want to be her in "Flashdance?"
Did I mention she's also super brainy – Yale grad!
Now, 46, Jennifer is middle aged, yet still looks like a style-setter, minus the leg warmers. Jennifer, who is More magazine's December/January cover girl, admits, "Yeah, everything's moving downward." But she's not into anti-aging remedies, adding, "That's not what I wish for."
Beals has a new gig as a hardnosed cop in the upcoming FOX drama, "Ride-Along." It's a role that gives her a chance to get physical, she reveals to More. The actress, who has competed in triathlons, now gets to "brandish a gun and subdue suspects." "I got to really clock someone the other day. I get to express rage, which women are often reluctant to do," adds Beals.
Yet, living out her tough-girl fantasy is a far cry from the inner Beals. She describes herself as "spiritual." She takes great pride in her lifelong journey to discover the meaning of life. Her friends describe her in the magazine article as "a woman who meditates, gives crystals as gifts and is interested in alternative medicine. "She knows everything about Tibetan herbs," adds her good friend, actress Jodie Foster. As Jennifer sums it up, "The impulse to want to know God is, is still there," she continues, "Whether it's that moment in acting when everything is suspended and you're not yourself, or breaking through the veil of a very long run or swim, or hearing my daughter laugh – they are all pathways to what I think God must be."
For more information on Jennifer Beals, check out www.more.com.
這男記者居然連Ride-Along改名成The Chicago Code都沒注意,混很大喔!
2010/11/24更新:AfterEllen.com也登出了一篇報導,有摘要到重點,"Teresa is like Bette on steroids" Teresa是吃了類固醇的Bette,女王的回答實在太搞笑了。全文如下:
Jennifer Beals does "More"
Posted by the linster on November 22, 2010
In the spirit of the holidays, More magazine has a gift for us in its December issue.
Jennifer Beals is in Chicago, shooting her new series The Chicago Code (formerly called Ride-Along), which will premiere Feb. 7 on Fox. When More caught up with her, she was wearing black leather boots, pants-and-vest uniform and a maroon shirt with her hair in a bun under a police cap. That's a picture I'd love to see, but we'll have to wait until the series. Not that I’m complaining about the pictures More does give us.
Beals talks about acting, photography and the Bible, among other things, in an interview well worth finding a copy of the magazine. Here are some tidbits to whet your appetite.
On letting her face "move freely" as she ages:
Yeah, everything's moving — frankly, downward. But [Botox is] not what I wish for myself.
On avoiding the Hollywood wild-child route after Flashdance:
To get sucked into that, you have to believe that the glamour is real. If you have your eye on a different prize, you don’t get sucked in. I was so excited to go to college.
On disappointment with the last season of The L Word:
Do you know the lobster theory? When you cook a pot of lobsters and they're all male, you need to put the top on, because if one male gets out, he’ll try to help the others get out. But if you’re cooking a pot of female lobsters, you don’t have to put the top back on, because if one female starts trying to get out the others will try to drag her back into the pot. Isn’t that awful? My point is, we're not lobsters [bringing each other down]. It would have been nice to end it differently.
On how her Code character, Teresa, is like Bette Porter:
They're both incredibly strong; they're both righteous. Teresa is like Bette on steroids. She's even more driven, not as tenderhearted.
On the thing she'd like people to know about her:
The impulse to want to know who God is, is still kind of there [from her youth]. Whether it's that moment in acting when everything is suspended and you're not yourself, or breaking through the veil of a very long run or swim, or hearing my daughter laugh — they are all pathways to what I think God must be. That original journey has not ended.
We're happy that her onscreen journey has not ended either. And I can hardly wait to see Jennifer Beals in those black leather boots.
How about you? Will you be watching The Chicago Code when it premiers?
SheWired's Shot of the Day: Jennifer Beals Graces the Cover of MORE!
by Tracy E. Gilchrist | Article Date: 11/17/2010 8:47 PM
There is a moment in just about every workday when we come across something sexy, gratuitous and completely pointless that we wish we could post but don't under the auspices of there being nothing lesbian about it and often there being no redeeming value. Well, we at SheWired have made an executive decision to just throw any of our pseudo-feminist caution to the wind and to just post our fave shot of the day, whether it be sexy, salacious, or just because...
讓我們忘了偽女性主義的警告,把那些物化女性的看法丟到垃圾桶,因為這是在太性感了太Hot了,因為那是... (就是我家女王的美圖怎樣?)
Today's hump day shot is none other than the magnificent Ms. Jennifer Beals on the cover of MORE Magazine – and nothing says we want "more" better than the woman who embodied Bette Porter for six seasons of The L Word.
Looking as fresh faced and gorgeous as the day she took her bra off without removing her shirt in Flashdance, Jennifer graces the holiday issue of MORE. Thanks for the early holiday prezzie MORE editors!
And from the looks of it, Jennifer’s recycling, sporting a sexy fringe shirt made from clippings culled from the MORE production offices' shredder! No matter – she looks fabulous.
MORE’s holiday gift of a Beals cover is not all she’s got in the pike these days. Look for Jennifer as a bad-assed cop in The Chicago Code, costarring Brotherhood’s Jason Clarke. Jennifer gets to say fun things like “I am Chicago’s highest ranking police officer. Every cop in the city answers to me!” Now this is must-see TV.
PDF檔下載:http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BPDAMYGB (這個下載手腳要快一點)
。女王正在尋找上帝,這個我就不置評了,因為這位記者居然連女王講的龍蝦比喻都不知道是從TLW S3出來的,所以我覺得JB又在測試記者了
),除了茱蒂福斯特講女王那段(我)比較陌生外,大概MORE上一期專訪是茱蒂福斯特,所以就順便問一下對耶魯同學還是學妹JB的印象。對TLW跟The Chicago Code(aka Ride-Along)著墨蠻多的,值得嘉獎。(前後期兩個專訪人物一個是拉,一個「演」拉,還真剛好
!BTW,Jane Lynch也出現在MORE上面)
On a scorching-hot day in Chicago, Jennifer Beals is standing on a bridge that overlooks a river and a dusty boatyard, preparing to film a scene for her new series, Ride-Along. In her role as Teresa Colvin, the city's tough-minded police superintendent, she is wearing heavy cop regalia (black leather boots, pantsand-vest uniform, maroon shirt), and her long curly hair is tamed in an ornate bun under a police cap. She's about to witness a car being dredged up from the river below with a dead body inside.
在芝加哥熱死人的一天,JB正站在橋邊環視河流跟佈滿塵埃的船塢,準備拍攝她新戲中的一幕。在她所扮演的角色裡,Teresa Colvin是城市裡最猛的警長,她全身穿戴著非常重的警察出勤裝備... ...她的長捲髮盤起來藏在警帽裡。她正看著從一台從河底挖出來的車,裡面還有一具屍體。
This tough cop is a 180-degree career turn from her last major role: the lipstick-lesbian museum curator Bette Porter, whom she played on The L Word for six years. For the new show, premiering on Fox in early 2011, Beals has uprooted her life, moving with her husband, Canadian entrepreneur Ken Dixon, and their five-year-old daughter from Vancouver to her hometown of Chicago, a place filled with echoes from her past. "Oh my God, my younger self is around all the time," she says. "I'll get a memory of a certain place. I may not remember precisely what happened at that location, but I'll have a feeling about it."
這個最猛的警察和她早先的角色,就是在TLW裡演了六年的Bette Porter:粉領族的拉拉藝術總監,是180度大轉變。為了這部FOX明年要上檔的新影集,JB改變了她的落腳地和生活,跟老公加拿大企業家Ken Dixon以及五歲大的女兒從溫哥華搬到家鄉芝加哥,一個充滿她過去回憶的地方。「OMG!年輕的我無時無刻不在,」她說「在如此確切地方的回憶,我可能沒辦法精準記得那個地點發生過什麼事,但我有關於它的感覺。」
Ride-Along creator Shawn Ryan (The Shield) views Beals's local-girl status in Chicago as a plus. "Jennifer is steeped in the city and the culture," he says. But there's one native advantage that Beals is comically lacking. "In the fourth grade, I decided that I would never sound like I was from Chicago, so I erased my accent," she says. "For this show, I need to relearn it."
With the heat index expected to reach 105 degrees, newscasters are urging people to stay inside, but Beals and the rest of the cast and crew are spending five hours under the sun's brutal rays, without air-conditioned trailers or even bathrooms nearby. Knocking back Gatorade and joking with crew members ("Are you looking for an even hotter place to stand?"), Beals exudes good cheer. "I love the heat, I really do," she insists. She knows that this is an impromptu character test, since the topbilled actors set the tone of a production. "How do you treat people around you as you are experiencing discomfort?" she says later. "Do you take it out on them or try to help them through it?" She chooses to be as upbeat as possible, cavorting in the actors' "cooling tent," a flimsy three-sided canvas area with two hoses ineffectively shooting out chilled air. "Jennifer and Jason [Clarke, who plays a detective] are dancing in front of the hoses, trying to cool off, while running their lines," says the episode's director, Lesli Linka Glatter, who's also co–executive producer on the series. "She's been outside on the three hottest days shooting in these disgusting places. She's been extraordinary." As Beals is summoned to the set again, a makeup artist rushes over to mop off the sweat, then powder her forehead.
(謎之音:是誰在電梯說:"I cann't take the heat."?女王你什麼時候喜歡熱死人的天氣?難道你是在想念熱天午後停電的某電梯嗎?)
Unlike so many other actresses, she has a face that moves freely, and when I mention this later, she says with a laugh, "Yeah, everything's moving—frankly, downward." But she does not see Botox or plastic surgery in her future: "That's not what I wish for myself."
Becoming famous as a teenager can bring blessings and burdens, and Beals has experienced both. In 1983, Flashdance turned her into an international star and style icon overnight (that ripped sweatshirt! that sexy poster!) in her first year at Yale. A serious student who modeled as a teen to earn college tuition, she was startled by the media attention. "What's surreal is that you experience yourself in the abstract," she recalls. "People on the street think they know you, but they know this person that they visited with on the screen for an hour and a half." She was never tempted to go the Hollywood wild-child route that has derailed such promising talents as Lindsay Lohan. "To get sucked into that, you have to believe the glamour is real," she says. "If you have your eye on a different prize, you don’t get sucked in. I was so excited to go to college."
Fellow Yale alum Jodie Foster, a friend who was a few years ahead of her, recalls that Beals downplayed her newfound fame. "She was a girl who played basketball and wore sweats and Converse sneakers," Foster says. "She took photographs. I never believed she was going to be an actress; it didn't seem to fit her personality. She's not somebody who needs to dance on a table with a lampshade on her head to get attention." That said, Beals is not shy about expressing her feelings. "What's funny about her is that she can have a temper," Foster says, laughing. "She can get into fights with cabdrivers. There's a real fire in her."
An entire generation fell in love with the fire Beals brought to her first major screen character, Flashdance's gorgeous dancer-welder Alex, then watched her move to indie films (Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle, Roger Dodger), TV series (The L Word, Lie to Me) and the occasional big-budget epic (The Book of Eli). "She has a profound, intuitive intelligence," says Allen Hughes, co director of The Book of Eli, in which Beals played a blind survivor in a post apocalyptic world. "She did this audi tion; it was so uncanny and different. It challenged me to look beyond my preconceived notion of what the part should be." For Ride-Along, Ryan needed an actress to portray "a new breed of police leader," he says, one who could navigate the "male bastion" of the Chicago police force. "As soon as I heard Jennifer saying the words, I knew she was right for it." He also applauds the fact that Beals "isn't completely tied up with the business and stardom. She's a consummate pro on the set, but that doesn't interfere with her being a wife and mother."
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