今天看到一篇有趣的文章,AfterEllen的編輯們各自選出在TLW演出或露過臉的(女)演員現在混得,誤,應該是說(她們覺得)發展得還不錯的是那一個,原文連結在此:The AfterEllen.com Huddle: Moving past "The L Word" Posted by Trish Bendix, Managing Editor on November 5, 2010
Lesley Goldberg: Two words: power suit. Who doesn't love Jennifer Beals and her post-L Word roles where she's been lucky enough to be clad in power suits. She had a handful of episodes as Assistant U.S. Attorney Zoe Landau on Fox's Lie To Me, where she played lead Tim Roth's ex-wife, but let's not talk about her love interest. Let's focus instead that she was woman in power on primetime.
Beals also has detoured to the big-screen in The Book of Eli but what has me most excited is the date millions of L Word fans have with her at 9 p.m. on Feb. 7, 2011, when she stars as Teresa Colvin, the city's first female police superintendent in The Chicago Code (the drama previously known as Ride-Along). With an air date the day after the Super Bowl, look for a lot of Bette Porter power suits to pop up during The Big Game.
But my favorite post-L Word role for JB? Photographer and book editor for The L Word Book, a first-person behind-the-scenes look at the landmark Showtime series.
我舉雙手雙腳同意Lesley說的女王在後TLW時代最好的角色是The L Word Book的攝影師跟書本編輯者!
不負責任之摘譯:當然重點是power suit,且不論她在強檔影集Lie to Me的主角前妻角色(編輯還在這邊開了一個玩笑,「先讓我們把她的性傾向放一邊」but let's not talk about her love interest.這句很雙關喔!),重點是她演到明年黃金檔影集的主角,第一位芝加哥警察局長(沒人發現這兩個角色都是power suit嗎?),當然也不能忘記年初在大銀幕看到她演的《奪天書》
Mia Jones: There is no question about it: Holland Taylor has had the best career after The L Word. I have no clue how Two and A Half Men is still on the air and actually doing well, but it is. Actually, my mom really likes the show, she thinks it's hilarious, so apparently I'm just missing that part of my brain. In any case, when it has shown up on my screen and I haven't been close to a remote to change the channel, Holland's overbearing mother character (much like Peggy Peabody) is very obviously the best character on the show.
Dorothy Snarker: Jane Lynch now, Jane Lynch forever. While those in the know knew she was something special from her previous work in everything from Christopher Guest movies to the 40-Year-Old Virgin and, of course, The L Word, the rest of the universe didn't fully catch on until she landed a tiny little show called Glee.
Since then not only has she won an Emmy, she effectively over the world as the deliciously mean Sue Sylvester. She makes us laugh, she makes us cower, she makes us want to dress up as her for Halloween. Heck, she even managed to steal a few scenes from Meryl Streep herself in Julie & Julia. Couple those on-screen successes with her off-screen happiness thanks to her marriage earlier this year to Lara Embry and Jane's post-L Word life has been the polar opposite of plain.
Jamie Murnane: As Eric Mabius is not an “actress,” I’m going with Melanie Lynskey. Since she rode off TLW into the sunset on her Vespa, she’s appeared in the Oscar-nominated Up in the Air as George Clooney’s character’s sister and has had a recurring role on Two and a Half Men.
Lynskey also popped up in the Matt Damon flick, The Informant! and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Clearly, she’s good at staying on the radar. And with four films currently in production, she’s sure to get more attention.
I swear, the fact that she played the shock-happy Hilary in But I’m a Cheerleader and starred alongside Kate Winslet in Heavenly Creatures did not sway my decision — much.
瞎米!在TLW第五季後面跟Alice快搞上的服裝設計師居然是《夢幻天堂》Heavenly Creatures的另一個女主角,就是殺了自己老媽那一個,哇哩咧!,這太勁爆了,原來TLW裡面連路人甲都臥虎藏龍,包括《我殺了安迪霍爾》I Shot Andy Warhol (1996)的導演Mary Harron都來拍過TLW S1E10,我看只有《夜幕低垂》When Night Is Falling (1996)的導演是落網之魚
。離題拉回,Melanie Lynskey除了會騎機車以外,她還演了《型男飛行日記》喬治庫隆尼的妹妹,也演了《男人兩個半》,還在麥特戴蒙的兩部電影露過臉,真的混得還不錯的樣子
PS:我看《夢幻天堂》時就覺得她演得非常搶眼,只是角色不討喜(誰會喜歡把自己老媽殺掉的主角?),害大家只認得凱特溫絲蕾,當然後者因為有鐵達尼號背書的關係,但Melanie Lynskey如果有機會應該可以更上層樓,值得期待,我還以為她是「一片」演員或素人演員而已。
Grace Chu選了Snoop Dogg,這個我就跳過了,請自行前往。
來,下一個是我們可愛的宇宙無敵大嘴巴的Alice(這可不是我說的,是Tina在TLW S5E10的自行車之夜在帳篷裡說的!)
Lindsey Byrnes: Leisha Hailey! Sure, she has made appearances on TV shows like CSI, American Dad and Drop Dead Diva, but that's not what I am talking about. Don't get me wrong, she is an incredible actress, but I'm mostly impressed with her music. I have loved Leisha's musicianship since I first heard her band, The Murmurs, in the late '90s. In fact, if you haven't heard The Murmurs, do yourself a favor and buy their last record Blender!
It wasn't until the second season of The L Word that I realized Alice was Leisha and Leisha "was in that one band." In other words it clicked, which of course made me love the L Word even more. And in case you didn't know, Leisha formed a new band with Camilla Grey in 2007 called Uh Huh Her. They have been writing and recording a second record, which will be released in 2011. I've heard a lot of the tracks and that is why I feel qualified to say that Leisha's decision to concentrate on her music is a brilliant career move. The music is beautiful, catchy and addictive. I'm not sure if it is possible for anyone to be as excited about this release as I am but I am going to go out on a limb here and say that you just might be — and if you aren't you should be.
編輯Lindsey聚焦在Leisha的演唱事業上,其實Leisha不演戲還蠻可惜的(跟某茶一樣),但如果都只是客串還不如不要浪費時間,Lindsey覺得Uh Huh Her這個Band應該會大放異采,Leisha把重心放在歌唱事業是明智的選擇。
以下這個色誘老師的學生,在TLW畢業之後演了《實習醫生》裡的拉拉醫生,看起來Dean Porter還真的教導有功的樣子,
The Linster: Jessica Capshaw went from a lesbian grad student who got to seduce Dr. Bette Porter to a pediatric surgeon who gets to do the nasty with Dr. Callie Torres in the supply closet — and then go home with her.
And she found time in the midst of that to do an Allure photo shoot that gave us this.
I don’t know who Jessica’s agent is, but I feel like sending her a thank-you note.
再下來Trish Bendix介紹的Alison Goldfrapp就跳過省略,請自行前往。
最後作者丟下這句:"Your turn: Who has made the best career moves since The L Word? "
PS:文中圖片引用自The AfterEllen.com