有點遲到的文章,不過還是把Lu參加PLanet BabyLon Convention的活動過程記錄下來,一樣要感謝YDY論壇的無所住阿姐
提供載點跟Twitter內容,不知這幾天有沒有粉絲敢問single mom或ooxx勁爆問題?(果然問了
Second Queer as Folk/The L Word Paris Convention 2010 - Day 1
Nov 4, 2010 Anca Dumitru
Second Queer as Folk/The L Word Paris Convention 2010 - Day 2
Nov 5, 2010 Anca Dumitru
Second Queer as Folk/The L Word Paris Convention 2010 - Day 3
Nov 5, 2010 Anca Dumitru
文字實況報導,請由此進:http://twitter.com/anca1268,這也是神人級粉絲,Thank you very much!(這次影友會「轉播」就在她們兩個通力合作之下讓千里之外的我們可以一睹偶像風采,真是感動!)
YDY論壇網友qxmylife有整理anca1268 Twitter影友會全記錄,請由此進:http://www.sfileydy.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=326860&extra=page%3D1&page=295 #7361
Rachel Shelley at the Ultim'Art Planet Babylon Convention
~ Saturday (october 30) ~
11.45 am -1.00 pm : Photoshoot with Laurel Holloman / photoshoot with Rachel Shelley
2.15 - 3.00 pm : Q&A with Laurel Holloman and Randy Harrison
claricestarling's report(2010/11/03 Post):
Saturday afternoon October, 30th: Q&As with Laurel Holloman & Randy Harrison (of course I’ll only be focusing on Laurel’s answers).
So, as I said before, these are the fans’ questions…
What was the hardest scene for you to shoot in the entire show?
Laurel Holloman: The fight scene between Bette and Tina in season 1 finale in their bedroom. Laurel explained again that she had to “flip” Jennifer over since she was supposed to take control of her and of the whole situation at some point, but she couln’t because Jennifer is so strong and so much more muscular than Laurel is (and Laurel showed us her arms and shoulders just to give us an idea of what she meant. That was funny!) and the director was keeping on telling her to “flip her” and she ended up asking Jennifer to let her.
Did you stay in touch with Jennifer Beals?
Laurel : Yes. We did. Actually, I called her over the summer for advice. She really is like a big sister to me.
Right before Laurel & Randy came on stage, Tina’s interrogation tape was shown on the big screen of the auditorium… Which led me to ask Laurel the following question:
We just saw interrogation’s tape, which was quite shocking for the fans, even though we had all been waiting to finally learn something about Tina’s family and background story/past for years. Was this story something you knew for a long time and had had time to work on, or was this something that Ilene Chaiken told you when you started shooting season 6.
Laurel Holloman: I didn’t know about the incest story, but we had been talking a little about Tina’s parents. I kinda knew her father was very conservative. But yeah, the incest story was decided in the end. And though, when you put it in perspective, it actually makes a lot of sense. Her story with her sister helps explain Tina’s co-dependance of the first two seasons. And it made all the more sense to me that it’s happened to a friend of mine and his brother. And I think this is something you should be able to talk with children. It happens more often than we’d think, and I believe it’s important not to be afraid to talk about these things with kids.
What do you think of the finale of The L Word:
This whole murder mystery reminded me of Dallas. “Who shot JR?” became “Who shot Jenny?”. It’s a pity to end the show on such a sad note. Many of the cast members were disappointed by the way the show ends.
Would you like to work on The L Word movie if there was one?
Sure, why not? I think the whole cast would be on board if there was a movie, but in this economy, it might be quite complicated… Though, if there was a movie, it would probably take place in New York since Bette and Tina leave LA for NYC at the end of the show. Though, yes, I think most of the cast members would like to make a movie. It could be great if they could do something as good as Sex and the city – the movie.
Then both actors started to play a little game of mimes and Laurel did that hilarious impression of Shane that you saw on video.
第一天被訪問的照片,果然有Tibetter(代表)問說有沒有和某人聯絡之類的(必問)問題,小茶,誤,Laurel said shes does keep in touch w JB. She called J over the summer 4 sum advice. Shes like a big sis ...(引自:anca1268的Twitter)
Q: R u still in touch with Jennifer?
LU: Yeah.....yeah......uh...we....we...i just call her and ask for......for some advice....blah.blah...she's ...uhm...wonderful...she's like a big sister to me... though......ahm.....i mean i sort of hate those things...talk about it..
最後一句原文應該是這樣:uh yes ; ) I mean...I cant tell you things ...what we talked about(就是不告訴你們我們在談什麼!)
以上對話在這段Video的最後4m:10s左右開始,Lu還尷尬笑了兩下,但鏡頭不是拍她,所以只有聲音而已。現在是換演姐妹情深的劇情嗎?看起來芝加哥區碼(Chicago Code)Lu應該很熟
I enjoy to watch the videoes with Laurel in Paris. She looks absolutely beautiful and so full of life.
I think the way she answers the question whether she is still in contact with Jennifer tells a lot. By saying that she has called her and asked for some advice, and that Jennifer is like a big sister to her, I think Laurel tells us, that they still have a strong and important friendship. It makes me very happy to hear. Naturally Laurel doesn't say, what they talked about. That is private. Something between her and Jennifer, and for me it's fine it remains private.
All in all I think Laurel answered the question perfectly. She was able both to be discreet and at the same time, with her choice of words, give expression to the bond that exists and connects her and Jennifer to each other. WELL DONE LAUREL !
3. 00 - 4.30 pm : Photoshoot with Randy Harrison / Autographs session with Laurel Holloman and Rachel Shelley
~ Sunday (october 31) ~
2.15-3.00 pm : Q&A with Rachel Shelley and Laurel Holloman
Laurel & rachel on stage in paris. Both look radiant
Laurel is giving an overview on her life in the last few mths
Laurel considers twitter an incredible tool 2 get feedback and share info
Laurel mentions hes studio page on Fb
Funny q's: wld laurel date helena? Yes, cos shes rich. Tina is not that superficial
Heletina pool scene: they thot the dialog was cheep. IC said she wrote like this cos helena was beautiful
Laurel concludes she wld date helena rich or poor.
The laid back Q&a session ends w both rachel & laurel hugging each other.
Anca後來的整理報導,她把Rachel那段最後搞笑那段完全跳過 :
另一個完整版本,claricestarling's report(2010/11/03 Post):
To both actresses: What love scenes are the hardest for you to shoot? With a man or with a woman?
Laurel Holloman: Well, it might be easier with a woman, because you tend to help one another. You can tell the other actress to put her hand on a part of your body that you don’t feel too comfortable exposing, and she’d do the same because she knows what you’re talking about, and it’s easy to understand one another. You usually have the same “insecurities” about your body. That being said, I’m really lucky because I’ve had great male partners/co-actors, and they were always very sensitive, so I can’t really say that it’s been more difficult doing sex scenes with men.
Rachel Shelley: I prefer doing love scenes with women, actually, for the exact same reasons that Laurel mentioned, and also because there are no egos involved between women, whereas there usually are with men, and when you shoot a sex scene, you’re naked, exposed, you feel vulnerable, and you don’t want egos to be involved.
To both actresses: is it difficult to work as an actress, and to go to auditions and be a mom at the same time ?
Laurel Holloman: OK, this was a very, very long answer from Laurel. She basically gave an overview on her life in the last six months or so. She started with Gigantic and explained what the show was about (she compared Gigantic to Gossip Girl, except it is set in LA and has less sex), and moved to the summer she spent with her two daughters in Tribeca, painting. She explained how she thought it was important to include them in this creative project at such an early age. And that they would both draw and paint next to her in the studio, and that now her daughter Lola wants to “act” and she’s very excited about this play she’s going to be in (Beauty and the Beast, if my memory doesn’t fail me). She said that at first, she’d feel like a bad mom that she had to kinda drag her daughter on set with her (when shooting TLW in Vancouver), but she realized that she felt it was important to include her in this “creative process”. She then talked about her painting/ her art, and explained that she was originally supposed to paint for an exhibition in New York, but then they decided to put up a site http://www.laurelhollomanstudio.net/ and most painting were sold online, so she’s now working for another exhibition in L.A.
I’m sure I’m forgetting many things she said here, but I’ve just tried to sum everything up.
Rachel Shelley: Yes, it is difficult for me to be a mom and an actress at the same time. With an actor schedule, I would pretty much never see my daughter, I could never give her a bath or put her to bed, or go to the park with her, etc. But I think I found my balance now with my writing (she writes articles for Diva magazine and she explains that she’s always loved writing). Writing allows me to be a mom. And I’m happy with my life as it is right now, writing and raising my daughter. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I were still acting. (Though, in her Q&As of day 3, you’ll see that professionally, Rachel plans on going to L.A. at the beginning of next year for the pilot season, even though she hates the thought that every single actor in the US will be fighting like a beast for “crumbs” then).
To Laurel: You now have approximately 11,000 followers on Twitter, what is your perception of communication through social networks such as Twitter ?
Laurel Holloman: I see Twitter as an incredible tool to get feedback (from fans) and share info. I started using Twitter to raise money for charities, but now I can get feedback on my painting, and it’s great, and I’m really grateful to the fans that really helped put the word out there for my work and my site (http://www.laurelhollomanstudio.net/), for even though now I can say that most paintings I’ve sold were purchased by art collectors, it’s mostly the fans that helped getting the word out there.
And now my studio is also on Facebook, and it’s fantastic, because with twitter, you can only post up to 160 characters, but with facebook, you can post much longer things, and give access to photo galleries and videos much more easily, and everyone can have a better overview of the whole thing.
Rachel Shelley: I’m not into social networks. My iPhone is already too much for me. I barely know how to use it.
To both actresses: Which character from the show would Rachel and Laurel date?
They look at each other and they say they would date each other (meaning Rachel would date Tina and Laurel would date Helena).
Laurel: I would date Helena ‘cause she’s rich (she laughs).
Rachel: I wouldn’t date Tina if she was that superficial (and she laughs as well).
Laurel laughs too: You know, it’s funny because when I talked with Ilene Chaiken about that famous pool scene between Tina & Helena in season 2, I asked her why Tina would have sex with Helena at that point (Tina was still depressed, she had just been betrayed by her partner of 8 years, she was having her baby alone). It didn’t make sense to her because she thought that, to Tina, sex had to be meaningful and Ilene simply answered: “because Helena is soooo beautiful!!”. And Laurel replied: “but I thought we had just established that Tina is not shallow!?!” and they discussed that scene and both came to the conclusion that Helena just made Tina feel beautiful, and she really needed that at that point (being several months pregnant, she didn’t feel too comfortable exposing her body, but Helena made her see she was beautiful).
Then both actresses go on saying how beautiful they think that pool scene is.
Laurel: I would date Helena, no matter how rich or poor she was.
Last “question” from the fans to Rachel: Some time ago, at an event (Dinah Shore), you ended up “reconnecting” (kissing) with Dylan (Alexandra Hedison), could we see a reunion between Helena and Tina here?
(as you can imagine, fans went crazy here.)
Rachel (smiling): What happens at Dinah Shore stays at Dinah Shore…
Laurel: But who is Tina’s true love?
Fans: Beeeeeeette!
Laurel gesturing as she was saying: “So you see, it doesn’t make any sense…”
Rachel (in French): Mais où est Bette? (but where is Bette?)
Rachel: Pas ici (not here)
Rachel: Elle est une “cop” à Chicago. (she’s a cop in Chicago)
Then the audience went wild and was screaming. It was hilarious.
So, the hosts concluded that since both of their beloved (Dylan and Bette) were not there, a reunion was not possible. That’s how they used their only “Joker” card.
The actresses then stood up, they hugged each other, and they went to their photoshoots.
果然還是熟人開槍比較快,這個尷尬問題居然是Rachel(Helena)提的,誰是Tina的真愛?Who's Tina's true love?(claricestarling記錯,說這句話的是Rachel,她寫成Lu,看下面Video分解:)
The Cop in Chicago,OK! We got it!
?劇名才剛改三天而已),Rachel接著說:「In Chicago」(怎麼大家都知道女王的影集換名字?),這個問題居然從戲裡演到戲外了
),「她在芝加哥當警察。」,台下聽得懂的影迷全笑翻過去,右邊的女主持人忙著幫Lu翻譯的樣子,搞清楚狀況的Lu很尷尬坐了下來(What can I say?),然後Rachel發現自己玩太嗨了,好像沒辦法跳船
3.00-4.30 pm : Photoshoot with Laurel Holloman / Autographs session with Rachel and Randy Harrison
4.45- 6.15 pm : Autographs session with Laurel Holloman
~ Monday (november 1) ~
10.45- 11.30 am : Q&A with Laurel Holloman
Laurel on stage at planet Babylon…1 word-stunning…(anca1268's Twitter)
Working w ppl who know u like rose troche who stayed 4 6 seasons its great as its more personal…
Tina cldnt b a desperate housewife 4ever, she was a late bloomer.
Laurel enjoyed the hollywood storyline…
Chars evolution was fantastic w sum great characters' arc which was the beauty of TLW…
Tina from s1 w her lack of a family wants 2 create her own family. Shes a mother char and wants every1 2 get along…
Later as a producer she reinvents herself. Dealing w production issues is a rollercoaster…
Regarding the way TLW finished laurel talks by comparison abt the intelligent ending of sopranos or 6 feet under…女王不知在那篇訪問也提到六呎風雲影集,你們兩個不要太「夫唱婦隨」!
Then she talks abt how much jb luvd buffy & angel. And how justine she was this am when she had 2 jump a 6' fence…這裡Lu提到女王超愛buffy和angel影集,Lu還記得自己演Angel裡的Justine時還跳下(應該不是跳過吧?)六呎高(2公尺高)的籬笆。(我好像剛好看過這段!)(正確解答請看下方)
Ref 2 the s6 dance ep she said how much every1 in the cast enjoyed it & how competitive they really were…
Jb is a great dancer and laurel has a dancing background. They just didnt want it 2 end…
Asked abt what tinas motives 2 kill jenny wld b laurel answers: do u really have 2 ask why?...
The neg ending of the show didnt reflect who they were…
At the end laurel talks abt the ending credits which looked like a shampoo commercial. She felt like a fashion model…. Lu提到TLW影集最後謝幕那段很像拍洗髮精廣告(沒錯!),她覺得自己好像超級名模
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另一個完整版本,claricestarling's report(2010/11/03 Post):
And again, Laurel was looking stunning on stage, even though she had probably not slept that long…
For an actress like you, who has been in every episode of the show, how was it to work with directors such as Rose Troche, who have been directing several episodes throughout the entire show, as opposed to directors who have only worked on one episode?
Laurel Holloman: It was really great because she knew the characters really well, and we knew her too, so it was much more personal. Rose is great.
At the beginning of the show (season 1) Tina is a lot like a Desperate Housewife, but in the end she’s much more like a character from Entourage…
Laurel Holloman: It’s true, but I really like the growth of my character. How Tina evolves. How much she’s changed in her relationship with Bette throughout the show. Tina couldn’t stay a desperate housewife forever, she was really co-dependant at first. She was a late bloomer, but I enjoyed the Hollywood storyline a lot. As a Hollywood producer Tina reinvents herself. Some characters had a fantastic evolution, and some had great story arcs, that was the beauty of The L Word.
Tina is actually the first one who invites Jenny into their world (this group of West Hollywood lesbian friends), when she invites her and Tim to their party, she’s the one who actually gives birth to this new Jenny, and then, as a producer, she’s the one who makes it possible for Jenny to have her story told on screen, she’s the one who makes it possible for Jenny to be born again.
Laurel Holloman: That’s right. She’s the mother. She’s the earth mother. She “gives birth” to Jenny. Tina, from season 1, with her lack of a family, wants to create her own family. She’s always been a mother character and she wants everyone to get along. And besides, Tina can also really relate to Jenny because they’ve probably been through the same things. Do you remember the flashback scene of how Bette and Tina first met? Well, Tina was the engaged to a man (just like Jenny in the beginning) and therefore she too must have gone through the same things Jenny did, she’s been the outsider too.
They’ve had the same kind of story.(這個問題問的很好,Lu的回答也很棒,Tina帶領Jenny進入L的世界,宛如母親的角色,就像Bette帶領Tina進入L的世界,經驗的複製跟傳承,但是很可惜,IC把Jenny變成暗黑天使,而Tina的出出入入L世界,卻從來沒有得到清楚的解答,she’s been the outsider too.「她曾經也是局外人」。)
How was it to get to see again all the actors that once were regular on the show, all those former characters in the very last episode (in Jenny’s goodbye video for Bette ad Tina)? How did you react, considering you had been on the show since day 1?
To be honest, it didn’t do anything to me. We’ve seen so many characters come and go in this show, and I didn’t see all the videos, or at least I don’t think so. But losing Dana/Erin, THAT was very tough. THAT was the biggest loss. Erin was a core member of the cast, and we really were like a family then.
How do you see the closing credits of the show in the finale? Do you think the actors are just taking a final bow? (considering they’re supposed to go to the police station to be interrogated about Jenny’s death, but Jenny is there too and it feels like a shampoo commercial with the wind blowing through their hair) ?
Was that shot on a green screen ?
Laurel Holloman: (laughing) Yes, it does look like a shampoo commercial. We shot on a green screen. And I was feeling like I was a fashion model. I mean, I started out as a desperate housewife and ended up like a fashion model. (laughing). I think it’s supposed to be like a dream sequence, a metaphor for these characters following their destiny, walking towards it. It felt like a dream with the wind blowing through our hair. But the problem was we didn’t know what emotions we were supposed to show, how we were supposed to act that scene. We asked Ilene, Jennifer especially, was like: “Are we sad? Are we lost? Are we scared?, …“. We never actually knew, so we just all went with flow.
How do you feel about The L Word’s finale?
Laurel: I think the show kinda lost its way and it’s too bad to have such a negative ending considering what the show was in the beginning. I wish we would have had an ending as smart and intelligent as Six feet Under or The Sopranos, no matter how differently these two shows end. And I really hoped we would and thought we could.
Did you have fun shooting the dance episode in season 6?
Oh, yeah, it was great. We all enjoyed shooting it very much. That was probably the episode we had the most fun shooting. We didn’t want it to end. And it was incredible how competitive we all got. I mean, Jennifer is a great dancer, I have a dancing background as well, and Marlee Matlin had just finished Dancing with the Stars and was in great shape.
We’re going to ask you the same question we asked Rachel two days ago: Let’s imagine Tina killed Jenny. How do you think she did it and why?
Laurel: Do you have to ask? (laughing). I guess, if Tina had killed her, she wouldn’t have done it in cold blood, they probably would have had to get into a fight and then Tina would have pushed her in the pool and would have held her head under water. That being said, it would make much more sense if Bette had done that, considering she was the one who was being blackmailed by Jenny for something she had not done.
But this negative ending doesn’t reflect who the/our characters were.
One last question for you: as there are a lot of Joss Whedon’s fans in the audience, could you tell us a little bit about how it was to work with Master Whedon on Angel?
Laurel: Would you like me to tell you what happened this morning to start off? I actually found my “Justine reflexes” again. When we got to the auditorium this morning with my “assistant”, the gate/fence that would give us access to the auditorium (the backstage), wouldn’t open, it seemed like it was stuck. And so my assistant was telling that to the logistics coordinator (actually another assistant) who was standing on the other side of that gate that we couldn’t get in and I told them, no problem, I was going to climb it (the gate/fence was approx 5 feet high) and both my assistant and the person standing on the other side of the fence were like: “What ? No, you are not going to do this?!!!”. But I have my boots on today and I remembered Justine, and I just climbed it and jumped to the other side and they (the assistants) were too funny because they remained like paralyzed. They couldn’t believe I would do that.
(照Lu的回答是她演Angel時,為了趕到片場曾經爬過五、六呎的籬笆,原來你們一家都是神力女超人!To be Wonder Woman!)
(The way said assistants told us the story afterwards was indeed very funny because they said Laurel was in total GI Jane mode. Hahahaha!)
Anyway, Justine in Angel, was a great character. I’ve loved playing her. And there was a lot of humour in that show. When I shot the pilot of The L Word, I was actually not done shooting Angel. I got back and shot an episode or two after that. And it was so funny, because when we started shooting The L Word, Jennifer Beals, who is actually a huuuuuge Buffy and Angel fan (she’s crazy about Buffy!) had so many questions. Hahaha! In fact, I think Jennifer would be a great vampire queen.(Lu說JB應該是偉大的吸血鬼女王!台下觀眾點頭如搗蒜。女王一直沒機會演吸血鬼,倒是Mia才剛演完vampire queen
(needless to say that the whole audience agreed with her).
11.45 am -1.00 pm : Photoshoot with Laurel Holloman / Photoshoot with Randy Harrison
3.00- 4.30 pm : Photoshoot with Rachel Shelley / Autographs session with Laurel Holloman and Randy Harrison
anca1268's Twitter: after her last autographs session & be4 THE surprise, the playful laurel offers 2 roses to yaelle&david(Lu好體貼,簽名會後還記得送花給兩位主持人。)
Randy, Laurel & Rachel saying good bye at PLanetBabyLon