
推薦一部網路電視劇:Anyone But Me,青少年YA片,已經播了兩季(2008-),現在正在募款籌拍第三季,官網首頁:,可以在這邊直接線上觀看,IMDB上的劇情介紹:

When 16 year old Vivian McMillan has to move from New York City to the suburbs, her relationships, past and present...


Anyone But Me 

會注意到這部戲是因為它的新聞出現在The L Word的IMDB新聞看板裡,原來它的製作兼編劇是Susan Miller,她是The L Word第一季的consulting producer,還寫了一集劇本,如果不管TiBette「」得死去活來的S5,S1的TLW是我覺得最成功的一季,要內容有內容,要議題深度有議題深度,對情節的期待度也很高,離題了趕快拉回。Anyone But Me裡面還有一對可愛的小拉拉(如果我沒看錯的話,沒字幕只能瞎猜劇情),這部影集好評度頗高,兩個小演員也超可愛的,Aster長得好像安潔莉娜裘莉,不過我應該對Vivian無法招架(我絕對不是蘿莉控,女王才是我的最愛)。

製作人訪談:Getting Serious About Web Drama(2010/08/17)

Fifteen Independent Spirits Using Web Video to Forge Their Way in Hollywood(2010/08/19)裡的介紹:

Anyone But Me
Co-created by former The L Word producer and writer Susan Miller and Tina Cesa Ward, this teen drama for the ethnically and sexually diverse post-9/11 generation has created industry buzz for leads Nicole Pacent and Rachael Hip-Flores. “I had just graduated, was working at Barnes and Noble, and was going on any audition that would have me,” says Hip-Flores, who has since appeared on Gossip Girl and is currently performing with the Judith Shakespeare Company in New York. “To be part of this, quite frankly, is humbling.” Anyone but me recently hosted the first ever Web-A-Thon to raise money for the third season. Though numbers have not yet been released, fans continue to donate and bid on ABM-themed prizes.


Season1 Episode 1 - "Heavy Lifting"

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