

The Unreal L Word by Joan E. Dowlin, 2010/08/20


Showtime has a new reality series this season that is a take-off on The L Word, a popular drama about gay women in Los Angeles, CA that ran from 2004-2009. The Real L Word is a spin-off that follows real life lesbians who live and work in the LA area.

(介紹The Real L Word是The L Word的衍生劇...)

The only problem is that I find it quite unreal. It is nothing like the original series that dealt with issues such as a tennis star publicly coming out as gay, art as freedom of expression, bi-racial dating, raising a bi-racial daughter, gays in the military, gay marriage, discrimination against women and gays, transgender bias, breast cancer, and gay networking.


To me the thing that held that series together was the close bond of friendship between the main characters. It felt real and natural. That is until the disappointing final abbreviated season that seemed to suffer from the writer's strike. But on the whole it was a provocative, entertaining, relevant, well written, and finely acted series with characters that were interesting and sexy.

(作者認為The L Word最成功的地方在於主要角色們的堅定友誼,而且每個角色都那麼有趣和性感...((點頭如搗蒜中))

* * *(中間一大段討論The Real L Word的角色,直接省略)

None of the cast seems to have a clue as to the gay generation that preceded them. Haven't they heard of Stonewall, the Harvey Milk-Anita Bryant battles, the Aids epidemic of the 80s, Matthew Shephard, or even Ellen's coming out episode? Do they know the sacrifices and abuse older gays have lived through that have allowed them to be so open and out today?

(The Real L Word的一代好像和美國整個同志歷史的發展脫節,作者質疑她們是否知道今天可以如此公開的生佸是來自前人流血流汗的抗爭?)

What The Real L Word represents to me is a gay Jersey Shore. It is a shallow, pleasure seeking, narcissistic series that may reflect today's anything goes philosophy, but as a meaningful dialogue about gay issues, tolerance, and human rights, it falls way short. Maybe that is because it takes place in LA which is far ahead of the curve when it comes to gay acceptance. I would prefer the series be filmed in Iowa or Texas or anywhere in the heartland where gays are still struggling for a place in this society. I would like a series that does not have partying and sex as the main theme. We gays have always been good at that.

(如果把The Real L Word的場景搬到中西部也許會好一點,有更大的社會衝突點可以發揮...((作者後面講了個冷笑話,叫IC別再拍party和性愛場面,因為我們已經很精通此道了...哈))

We need to win over the hearts and souls of greater America. For we really are no different than them except for whom we sleep with. The Real L Word does nothing to convey this fact. Bring back the original. A sequel would be nice.

(本段不負責任中譯:我們需要贏得美國的心靈,因為除了和一般人睡的人性別不同外,我們並沒有差異那麼大。但是The Real L Word並沒有傳達到這個事實。請把原來的The L Word帶回來吧!即使是短短的續集也會很優的!)


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