
Tibette.com上的特搜小組居然可以把當初一起參加選角要演Tina的演員找出來,就是JB說看到她的兩隻狗被嚇呆的那位無緣女演員,好萊塢真的很競爭,難怪Lu要說她已經比一般人要幸運得多了(她的狗喜歡我,嘿嘿嘿),連女王都說了好幾次她很Lucky接到The L Word,JB演的Break a leg有一段搞笑的劇情是男主角去參加選秀,結果(男)劇組人員在廁所比誰射得久來決定誰演那個角色!我只能說女王的狗還真有靈性,還有別再問狗狗叫什麼名字了... ...



如果她是Tina,The L Word的Tibette會變成怎樣?(會有這個字跑出來嗎?)

Meredith Salenger 

Meredith Salenger(1970-),哈佛心理學系畢業的高材生,她居然跟River Phoenix演過戲(A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon, 1988),當時應該也是前途不可限量的新星,可惜美國影劇圈還真的是人多到泛濫

A Night in the Life of Jimmy Reardon, 1988 

我看The L Word感觸最深的是,要在好萊塢出頭真的很難,正如IC所說的幕後的選角過程遠勝於明星幕前的演出,一個演員能拿到好角色的機會真的不多,演出Lara,Lauren Lee Smith要擊敗另外300個對手,才能變成我們心目中可愛的小廚師。所以女王能撐20年的毅力,真讓我的崇拜如滔滔江水般源源不絕,還好沒有錯過她和她

TLW S2E11 



補充:在L5 Convention上Lu又提到一次,以下引文是Tibette.com網站的網友Bette&TinaForever寫的關於這件事的轉述,請注意JB跟Lu都沒有提到當事人的名字,以上演員的揣測純屬某網友自己從IMDB的資料找來的。

Then Jennifer picked up from this moment and told her side of the story. She was away filming another movie and she was told that two possible Tinas will be coming to meet her. The actresses were supposed to come to Jennifer’s trailer so they could talk. Jennifer had her two big and scary-looking dogs in the trailer with her and when the first actress saw the dogs, she got frightened and Jennifer had to lock her dogs somewhere to keep them calm. The whole meeting wasn’t going well but Jennifer tried her best to help the other actress because she saw how difficult it was for her and she wanted to give it a chance. Who knows, one day she might find herself in the same situation, Jennifer told us. At one point during their conversation the actress asked where Jennifer went to college and Jennifer replied, “Yale.” The actress said that she went to Harvard and studied psychology. She was really snobby when she said that and Jennifer’s imitation was really funny. And when Jennifer mentioned that, she said, “And I was thinking to myself, ‘Obviously you didn’t learn much’.” It was hilarious.

Laurel then continued with the story. Her husband drove her to the movie set and the dogs were calm because she wasn’t scared of them. Laurel joked that she passed the dog test. They began talking about their weddings, what’s going on in their lives and they were really comfortable with each other. Since their conversation was recorded, Ilene and others were watching it later to see how it went. Jennifer said that after that she also talked to the producers and said that Laurel had her vote. (We all know that when Ilene saw their tape, she said that it was like magic. And this is how TiBette was born).

Laurel then added that she had met the other actress later and the woman told her that she was glad that she didn’t get the part because of all the nudity. Laurel made this funny movement with her arm and said, “And here I am, six years later.”

by Bette&TinaForever



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