
前幾天從Tibette.com上面看來的,我的The L Word Book還沒到手無法查證,不過應該是事實沒錯,那就是JB確定要演TLW後,沒經過試演(audition),單憑看過劇本後,她可以自己選要演Bette或Tina。女王演Tina,還真Shock!雖說看了一些女王的訪談影片,還有族繁不及備載的性感照,我的腦袋是完全沒辦法把她和Tina合在一起,不是說女王不夠女人(我先自己飛踢自己),而是我沒有感覺到她是「依附」在誰身上那種(異性戀)女生給我的感覺,我唯一覺得她像一般女人的是她跟攝影指導Bob的這張合照:




In terms of TLW, it's true that JB didnt have to audition for the role. However, she did have a choice between playing Bette or Tina. She chose Bette because she loved her flaws, she love the dimensions she would get to play. Since she chose Bette, Tina's character was up for grabs. Inside of JB's L Word book, she put the note in that came with the script. It does specifically say for her to read both and choose which one she wants.

This post has been edited by jb4uiwill on Aug 16 2010, 11:43 PM


還好女王看完劇本後,喜歡Bette的不完美(flaw:1.裂隙、裂縫;2.缺點、瑕疵。Bette's flaws這好像可以寫成一篇專文),所以才召喚出JB沉睡的「原力」,不然我們的天行者路克還不知在那個小行星種田,不,跑馬拉松去,誰知道她有顛覆整個異性戀暗黑帝國的能力呢?(我很難想像S1E06如果是Lu把JB推出車外叫她去當人行立牌等自己的老爸過來那段)

TLW S1E06 

另一個網友講的更坦白:TLW對JB而言是個美麗的例外(指不用經過試演去決定她要的角色,對我們所有粉絲都是吧! 依照那時對她輕聲細語的刻板印象搞不好會叫她試演Tina不一定),這個例外就像那些生生不息如生命長流的某些印度電影一樣棒。(真是很優的形容)


Jennifer isn't in the position in her career to be offered many roles without an audition. The L Word was a beautiful exception, an exception that likely carries over to (some) Indie Films as well.

This post has been edited by Deean on Aug 18 2010, 07:11 AM



Unless the actor is mainstream (and even sometimes then), the network is going to insist that the actor auditions for the role. Jennifer is not a special case, the show was ordered to a pilot before it was cast, so it was ordered to pilot on its own merit (not just on its bankability). They would have wanted to audition a wide variety of people to get the right actor for the role - not the right role for the actor, which is what happens when an actor is pre-cast or cast without an audition.(出處同上)

(audition:本意是聽力,2. n:a test of the suitability of a performer [syn: {tryout}]  v : perform in order to get a role; "She auditioned for a role on Broadway" [syn: {try out}])


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