afterellen(2010/08/12)選了16位Badasses(字典是說無法無天,我去google一下,這篇解釋得不錯。),The L Word裡的角色上了兩個,第一個當然是無敵女王,不,是飆髒話無人能敵的小貝,入選原因:

Bette Porter (Jennifer Beals), The L Word

Bette@TLW S6E01 

Badass credentials — If F-bombs were weapons, the United Nations would have a volatile crisis on their hands in the form of Better Porter. She's got swagger. She's got power suits. She's got some damn opinions. And whoo boy, does she have a mouth.

(不負責任之中譯:如果飆髒話炸彈是武器,美國應該會面臨極大的危機處在Bette Porter的腳下,她昂首闊步、她穿了power suits、她有一堆天殺的意見,最神奇的是她有一張宇宙無人能敵的嘴... ...ask Tina)

"F--k you, Jenny. That is complete and utter total f---ing bulls--t. I wouldn't say that. Never. That's not even grammatically correct. You f---ing idiot. You're dead meat. You're just dead f---ing meat, Jenny Schecter." 

"F--k Jenny. Just f--k Jenny. Please. She f--king deserves to be fired. I'll f---ing fire her for you."

"And apart from anything else I am frankly f--king flabbergasted! I am flabbergasted that she has such a white actress. She's white. OK? Was Mary f--king Poppins not available?"

I don't care if she was available. We got you, Jennifer Beals. What the f--k more could we f--king ask for? 

引用自:16 Lesbian and Bisexual Badasses We Love,另一個入圍的角色是Tasha

(她們選的照片太和藹可親了,一點也看不出是人間兇器的髒話小貝,那是S6E01被Tina馴服完畢剛從火燒島管訓回來的Bette,老虎牙已經被拔掉了,嗚! 還有afterellen你們是怎樣?先在九號放了Tina的照片又在12號放了Bette的照片,I miss them...這是Tibette.com網友說的,我+1)


Bette@TLW S4E11 



Bette@TLW S4E11 



TLW S5E05 



Bette@TLW S4E06 


 以下還有更暴力破表的... ...

Bette@TLW S6E01 

"There are same sex families on every fucking street corner.
She was born in this fucking hospital and both our names are on the birth certificate.
So why don't you just give us a fucking break,

Bette@TLW S6E01 
you bureaucratic magnet,
and get our daughter to see a goddam doctor.


期待女王在Ride-Along繼續Badass下去,"Teresa is Bette times 100."


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